
发布时间:2017-03-20 20:43

as有同样地,一样地, 例如的意思,as动词的用法你知道吗?和小编一起来看看吧。




1. 区别as和like


e.g. I) They lived and fought among the people as “fish in water”. (as相当于like)

II) As a scientist, he was dedicated to (致力于) the truth. (这里不可以用like)

II) They talked as old friends. (他们确乎是老朋友。)

à They talked like old friends. (他们像老朋友一样。)

2. as引导的介词短语在句中可以充当:

a) 宾语补足语

e.g. I) She spoke of me as her dearest friend.

II) The plan struck me as very much worthwhile.

III) You mustn’t think of me as (being) unhappy.

b) 主语补足语

e.g. I) She is well-known as being very cheerful.

II) He is sometimes portrayed as belonging to another century.

III) That picture is looked upon as very valuable.

常用于这类结构的动词有:accept, consider, describe, elect, interpret (理解), look upon, perceive, recognize, refer to, regard, see, strike, take, think of, treat, view等等。


1. 作“当……的时候”,引导时间状语从句。注意与when、 while的用法区别。

A. when作"当……的时候"解,可以指较短的(一点)时间,也可指一段时间。

e.g. I) When he was at college, he could speak several foreign languages.

II) When the clock struck twelve, all the lights in the street went out.

B. while常表示一段较长的时间或一个过程,强调主句谓语动词与从句谓语动词同时发生。

e.g. Work while you work. Play while you play.

C. 但属下列情形时,只用as, 而不用when或while。

1) 用于表示同一个人的两种动作交替进行,指“一边……,一边……”。

e.g.I) The girl dances as she sings on the stage.

II) He looked behind from time to time as he went forward.


e.g. I) As time went on / by, she became more and more worried.

II) As children get older, they become more and more interested in the things

around them.


e.g. I) I thought of it just as you opened your mouth.

II) Just as the flying worm hit her face, she gave a loud cry.

4) 后接名词表示某一年龄段时,用as。

e.g. As a young man, he was active in sports.

2. as=since, 作“既然”、“由于”解,引导原因状语从句,常用来表示已为人们所知或显而易见的原因或理由。

e.g. I) As / Since you’re not feeling well, you may stay at home.

II) As he wasn't ready in time, we went without him.

3. as=in the way that, 作“像”、“按照……的方式”解,引导方式状语从句。

e.g. I) He speaks English as Americans do.

II) Remember, you must do everything as I do.

4. 用于或not so/中,前一个as是副词,后一个as是连词,引导比较状语从句。

e.g. I) They helped the old man as often as possible.

II) I don’t speak English so / as well as he does.

5. 作“虽然”、“尽管”解,引导让步状语从句。常用倒装语序,即adj. /adv. / n.+ as +主语+谓语+主句。

e.g. I) Tired as they were, they walked on.

II) Child as he is, he knows a lot. (child前不用冠词)

6.as引导类比从句,与so 连用,表示“正如……所以……”。

e.g. Just as French people enjoy their wine, so the British enjoy their beer.




e.g. I) Steve runs fast, but I run just as fast.


II) Tom has a lot of money, but I don’t have as much.



e.g. I) In the dead of night I was suddenly wakened by a cry as made by a wolf.


II) The old man began to describe the accident as seen through the eyes of a witness.


四、作as作关系代词,引导定语从句,不仅可以代替一个名词,而且可以代替整个句子或一件事,通常译作 “正如这一点”,“如……一样”。

e.g. I) As is known to everybody, the moon travels around the earth once every month.


II) As has been said before, grammar is not a set of dead rules.


III) Such a clever girl as she can learn anything quickly.


IV) It was absolutely bad manners to get into people’s room without knocking, as quite a few young people are doing every day.




as against(与……相比);as compared with(与……对比);as for / to(至于,关于);as from / of(自……起);as a result of(由于……的结果);as regards(至于);

e.g. I) The output amounts to ten thousand dollars as against eight thousand last year.


II) There is no doubt as to who will be elected.


III) As a result of your carelessness, the whole project should be put off at least one month.



as above(如上);as a matter of fact(事实上);as a whole(就整体来说);as follows(如下);as good as(和……几乎一样,实际等于);as such(照其资格,其本身);such / so … as to(这样的……以至于……);as yet(尚,至今还)(用于否定句);as well(也);

e.g. I) As a matter of fact, he didn’t have any interest in the project.


II) I am not so foolish as to make such a promise.


III) We are as good as ruined.



as … go(就……一般情况来说);as it is / was(事实上,按现状);as it were(好像是);

e.g. I) He is quite good, as boys go. 就一般男孩子而言,他已经很好了。

II) I thought conditions would get better, but as it was, they were getting worse.



according as(根据,按照……而);in as (so) far as(根据……程度);

e.g. I) You may go or stay, according as you decide.


II)In as (so) far as we have known about the matter, we can make a decision after the meeting. 就我们对这件事情的了解程度,我们可以在会后作出一个决定。
