
发布时间:2016-11-21 13:16


All permanent residents over 18 in Hong Kong will receive a HK$6,000 ($770) cash handout this year, a decision made in response to public criticism that the government failed to consider the needs of poor people.

John Tsang, the city's Financial Secretary also said Wednesday that residents would enjoy a 75 percent income tax reduction this year capped at HK$6,000.





文中出现的“cash handout”,就是“派发现金”的意思,“handout”可表示“施舍,派发”,如“He's forty and still living on handouts from his parents.他已经40岁,还靠父母的接济度日。” “handout”还可表示“传单,讲义”,如:“You'll find some of the references on the handout.你会在讲义上看到参考书目。”
