
发布时间:2017-03-16 15:47

以下是小编整理的英语文章:看千禧一代的自我反省, 希望能对大家的英语学习有帮助。

Many millennials – the age group generally defined as thosebetween 18 and 34 – don't think much of their own generation,according to a new poll.


The Pew Research Center study showed that millennials hadfar more negative views of their generation compared withGeneration Xers, baby boomers or other age groups. More than half of millennials, 59%,described their generation as "self-absorbed" while 49% said they were "wasteful" and 43% saidthey were "greedy".

皮尤研究中心(The Pew Research Center)一份调查显示,相较于被遗忘的一代(指出生于1965-1980年间的人)和婴儿潮一代(指出生于1946-1964年间的人),千禧一代对自己这代人的负面评价更多。超过半数(59%)的千禧一代对自己这代人的评价是“自私”,而有49%的千禧一代人认为自己很“浪费”,另外还有43%觉得自己这代人“贪婪”。

Around 30% of Generation Xers — those ages 35 and 50 — said their own generation was self-absorbed and wasteful, and 20% of the baby boomers said the same about their age cohort. 被遗忘的一代年龄在35到50岁之间,他们中约30%的人说自己这代人既自私又浪费,而约20%的婴儿潮一代对于自己这代人有类似评价。

Millennials "stand out in their willingness to ascribe negative stereotypes to their owngeneration" the study said. The older the group, the more positively they saw themselves, thePew study found. 皮尤研究中心的这项研究显示,千禧一代“比较乐意给自己这代人消极评价”。研究还发现,年龄越高的群体对自己的评价越正面。

The so-called "Silent Generation" — those ages 70-87 — overwhelmingly described themselves ashard-working, responsible and patriotic, at 83%, 78% and 73%. The baby boomers were not farbehind, picking those same three words to describe themselves, at 77%, 66% and 52%respectively. But only 12% of millennials and 26% of Generation X said they were patriotic; 24%of millennials and 43% of the Gen Xers said they were responsible; while 36% of millennialsand 54% of Generation X said they were hard-working.


Many millennials don't even want to be identified as such, with 60% not considering themselvesto be part of the "millennial generation." Instead 33% say they are part of Generation X.


The Silent Generation also didn't want to be pigeonholed. Like the millennials only 18%considered themselves part of the group. Instead more identified as being with the baby boomersat 34% or the older demographic "Greatest Generation" at 34%.


Generational identity was strongest among the baby boomers, with 79% of those within theapplicable age group identifying with the "baby-boom" generation.


The poll was conducted among 3,147 respondents, initially selected over the phone but mostlyinterviewed online. The margin of error is plus or minus 2.4 percentage points, according to Pew.

