
发布时间:2016-12-01 22:49



1. While still a student, she played roles in many plays.

连词 + 名词做时间状语

2. When asked about the secret of his success, Steven Spielberg said… 连词+过去分词做时间状语

3. When drinking to someone's health, you raise your glasses. 连词 + 现在分词做时间状语

4. It's a custom in China to have some tea before the meal is served. It 做形式主语

5. Many people like this film not just because..., but also

because... 并列连词

6. Having good table manners means knowing...



1. wear, put on, have on, dress, be in, try on

(1) wear v. 穿着;戴;蓄须(发);磨损;(脸容)呈现,显出 He is wearing an overcoat today.

* wear out (把) 穿破;(把) 用坏;(使) 疲乏;(使) 耗尽I have worn out my shoes. / My patience wore (was worn) out.

(2) put on 穿上;戴上(侧重穿着的动作)

Put on your sweater, otherwise you will feel cold.

(3) dress vt. 给……穿衣服 n. 衣服;连衣裙

dress sb. (in sth.) 或 be dressed (in sth.) 注意:穿的衣服接在in之后。Mother dressed her baby and then they went downstairs.

(4) have on 表示穿着的状态,注意不能用进行时。

At the Spring Festival, all children have on new clothes.

(5) be in表示穿着的状态 There was a girl in red.

(6) try on 试穿 Mother was trying on a new dress.

2. strike, hit, beat

(1) hit vt.

① 打;敲;击;击中;射中 He hit a ball over the fence. / The stone hit him on the head.

② 使……受到打击 The bad news hit every one hard.

(2) beat vt. & vi.

① 连续有节奏地打;敲

The rain heat against the window.

② (心)跳动 His heart had stopped beating.

③ (鸟翼) 扑动

The bird beat its wings rapidly as it flew on.

④ 打败;打赢;取胜


1. get away from 逃离

2. watch / look out 注意,当心

3. go for a hike / go hiking 去徒步旅游

4. as with 正如……一样

5. see off 为某人送行

6. on the other hand 在另一方面

7. take care of 照顾

8. get close / near to 接近,凑近

9. tree after tree 一棵又一棵的树

10. as wall as 也,和……一样(好)

11. protect…from 保护……不受……的伤害

12. be surprised at 因……而吃惊

13. be caught / trapped / struck in 被……困住

14. take place 发生

15. go through 通过,经过;经历(痛苦的事)

16. be upon 临近,逼近

17. hold on to 紧紧抓住

18. refer to 提到,说到;查询(信息)

19. look into 注视……的内部;检查,调查

20. for fear of (doing) sth. 惟恐……


1. Instead of spending your vacation on a bus, ... you may want to try hiking. Instead和instead 0f的用法

2. Say "Hi" / "Hello" / "Thanks" to sb. (for me) 问候的句型

3. Is anybody seeing you off? 进行时表将来

4. She struggled and struggled, and could not get on her feet. (= keep struggling)

5. You should not go rafting unless you know... unless引导条件状语从句,相当于if... not

6. By staying at..., tourists can help the villagers make money so that they can take care of the fiver and the birds. 目的状语从句

7. She was so surprised that she couldn't move. 结果状语从句

8. Tree after tree went down, cut down by water. 过去分词作状语

9. The next moment, the first wave swept her down, swallowing the garden. 现在分词作状语

10. However, before she could think twice, the water was upon her. It didn't take long before the building was destroyed. before的用法
