
发布时间:2017-04-17 11:33



W:Hey,Rainy.What are you thinking about?

R:I want to have a travel after this final exam.But I don’t know where to go.Do you have any good idea?

W:Eh,I have ever been to many places for a visit.And some of them are really beautiful.

R:Great. Can you tell me which is the most beautiful place?

W:Eh,It is hard to say where is the most beautiful place.First can you tell me what kinds of travel do you like to have?

R:I’d like to visit some places in our own country.

W:long-time trip or short-time trip?

R:About a week.

W:Well.Have you ever been to Hangzhou? The 10 sceneries of West Lake are very famous.

R:That really a beautiful place.But I have been there with my friends last time.Any other place?

W:How about Hainan?

R:Hainan?Have you ever been there?

W:No,never.But my friend tell me that is a beautiful city.There is a beautiful sea there. I have looked forward to go there for a long time but haven’t have a chance.

R:Oh,I like it.I think the combinations of wind,sand and sea must be very fascinating. We can go swimming every day.Why not go together?

W:Good idea.Well.We can enjoy the beautiful ocean scenery ,the tasty seafood, the fresh coconut juice and the friendly people there. R:Terrific.I decide to go there.

W:Now let’s decide the means of transportation,what about taking the tyain.

R:That sounds great ,we can save a lot of momey and enjoy the landscape at the same time.

W:Where should we live while traveling ?

R:A hotel ,I’ll order it certainly ,I’ll combine the price with condition in the Internet.

W:Ok,let’s make a date and go there for a visit together.



A: I just came back from a trip to China and I was very impressed with the long histo of that country .

我刚才中国旅行回来,那个国家的悠久历史给我留下了很深的印象。 B: Last year I visit Europe . It was interesting to see the ancient ruins there , too . 去年我游览了欧洲。参观那儿的古代遗迹也很有意思。

A: when I look at our country’s history , I begin to sense what a young country it really is .


B: Yes. There are many countries whose histories were ancient when ours was just beginning .


A: The first English settlers arrived in America about the time the last Chinese dunasty began .

最早的英国移民到达美国的时候大约正是中国最后一个朝代开始的时候。 B: I believe one reason America has been able to be so successful in so many aspects is that it had no ancient traditions to bind it down .


A: Why would you say that ? The settlers to America came from countries all over the world and must have brought their traditions with them .


B: Yes , they did and those traditions have enriched the American heritage(遗产,继承物); however , their purpose in coming to this new country was so they could make a change from the way the were living . Most immigrants(移民,侨民) to America were penniless . They came here to take adavantage of a new way of life .


A: Sometimes I think we ignore the history of the native peoples encountered here in the Americas, both North and Soouth .

有时候我觉得我们忽视了美洲,包括北美洲和南美洲这儿土著民族的历史。 B: Well , that’s true . I’ve noticed. However , that the remains of civilizations in North America don’t appear to be as ancient as those found in Mexico or Central and South America .


A: Those civiliztions must have been as ancient as what I saw in China . They didn’t have any influence on the modern countries , though , Why is that ?


B : It’s because those were dead civilizations did not carry on to the surviving natives of the land .


A: Do you think that’s the reason , or is it that the immigrants who exerted authority over the natives were able to suppress(镇压,使…止住) their tiaditions ? 你认为是这个原因吗?还是因为移民统治了土著民族并压抑了他们的传统? B: I would think both are explanatins , I am gratefull , though ,to live in a country where people are able feel free , free in their thoughts as well as in their actions . I’m very glad we are not bound by ancient traditions .



A:Hi, B. This is A. How are you doing lately?

B:Nothing special. What's up?

A:I'm calling to ask you if you want to come to D's Christmas party on the 22nd.

B:December 22nd? What day is it?

A:It's next Friday.

B:Well, I'm not sure if I'm in Taipei that day. I have a customer coming to Taiwan next Wednesday and I'll have to take him to Tainan to visit our warehouse. When do I have to decide?

A:Well, the sooner the better.

B:Okay, I'll call back to you. What will the party begin?

A:At 8:30. At D's house. You know where it is?


A:Ok. I will tell this to D. See you then.


Friday is coming.

C:D, what are you doing?

D:I am looking for the bells and trying to decorate the house for the Christmas party tonight before A gets home from the mart.

C:The party is tonight? Oh my good. I totally forget about it.

D:Yeah. Can you do me a favor?

C:Sure. What is it?

D:Can you pass me the hammer on the table? I need it to nail the wreath on the door.

C:Here you go. What else can I help?

D:Sure. Can you put the candy cane on the doorway and then hang these color balls,bells and ribbons on the tree?

C:No problem. But where is the mistletoe?

D:Still in the box. Why?

C:I'd like to hang them first.

D:Hoping to be kissed?

C:You bet.
