
发布时间:2017-02-23 17:33




In China, if you're not being regulated, you probably don't matter.


So it's no surprise that e-commerce and online transactions have been getting a good deal ofattention from the government. A new law promulgated this week by the State Administrationfor Industry and Commerce and set to go into effect in mid-March is the first of what are likelyto be several regulating the industry.


The measure, which lawyers say mostly restates previous consumer-protection and data-privacy laws, nonetheless highlights the growing importance of the e-commerce industry inChina and what the government sees as a growing need to regulate it. The country's totalonline sales are expected to rise to $356.1 billion in 2016 from $169.4 billion last year,according to Forrester Research. U.S. online retail sales are forecast to reach $327 billion from$226 billion over the same period.

尽管如此,该办法凸显出电子商务在中国日益重要的地位,以及政府认为越来越有必要对其进行监管。律师们说,该办法基本重申了以前的消费者保护和数据隐私保护法规。据Forrester Research说,预计2016年中国网络销售总额将从去年的1,694亿美元上升至3,561亿美元。预计同期美国的网络零售额将从2,260亿美元上升至3,270亿美元。

In part the new e-commerce law calls for real-name registration for individuals selling on third-party marketplaces like Alibaba Group Holding Inc.'s Taobao e-commerce site. It also stipulatesa mandatory seven-day return policy for most goods and says online-payment platformsmust safeguard users' data privacy.

这个新的电子商务管理办法要求,在阿里巴巴(Alibaba Group Holding Inc.)的淘宝网(Taobao)等第三方平台上销售商品的个人必须进行实名注册。它还规定,大部分商品必须实行七天退货政策,并且要求网络支付平台必须保护用户的数据隐私。

For most major e-commerce players, the law is unlikely to have a big impact. Alibaba itselfalready has a seven-day return policy and uses real-name registration for its major e-commerce sites.


'We welcome steps to continuously improve consumer-protection mechanisms as these willdrive the sustained and healthy development of the online retail industry,' an Alibabaspokeswoman said.


But potentially more important than the impact of this law is the fact that e-commerce is inthe government's cross-hairs, meaning down the line it could face more tricky regulatoryhiccups. For instance, last week, sources told The Wall Street Journal that China's' central bankis leading a push to regulate new efforts by tech companies, several of which run e-commerceoperations, to offer investment products to consumers.


Meanwhile, in December, Beijing said it put together a drafting committee to create a'comprehensive e-commerce law' according to the state-run Xinhua News Agency.


'It is in urgent need to tease out, replenish, revise and improve existing laws andregulations,'said Lyu Zushan, head of the drafting group, according to Xinhua. The drafting ofthe law is expected to be completed by June 2016.


While the government is likely to be careful in how it regulates an industry that has proven oneof the country's most dynamic, entrepreneurial and profitable, many an industry hasn'tfared well under the heat of the government spotlight. Most recently, the use of microblogs inChina has been declining, in part due to a government crackdown designed to better controlthe flow of information on websites like Sina Corp.'s Weibo.

