
发布时间:2016-11-19 12:37


Austrian Felix Baumgartner has become the first skydiver to go faster than the speed of sound, reaching a maximum velocity of 833.9mph (1,342km/h).

In jumping out of a balloon 128,100ft (24 miles; 39km) above New Mexico, the 43-year-old also smashed the record for the highest ever freefall.

奥地利跳伞运动员Felix Baumgartner成为了第一个“超音速人”,其跳伞时的最大时速达到了每小时833.9英里(约每小时1,342公里)。43岁的Felix Baumgartner从新墨西哥州上空128,000英尺(约39,000米)处跳下,这也创下了自由落体的新纪录。



“speed of sound”在文中的意思是音速,其他的表达有velocity of sound,sonic speed。“mph”的完整表达是miles per hour,即每小时英里数,其他的单位缩写还有ft=foot、kg=kilogram、gph=gallons per hour等。
