
发布时间:2017-03-19 09:58


1 As a result结果,终于,因此

She studied hard. As a result, she made fast progress in the studies.


2 As a matter of fact事实上,其实

As a matter of fact, I know nothing about the constructions of the information p roducts.


3 As a whole作为一个整体(来看)

We should analyze the problem as a whole.我们应该把这个问题作为一个整体来分析。(状语)?

4 As above如上?

It has been explained as above.


5 As a result(或consequence)of…


As a result of its rise in temperature the gas expands.由于温度上升,气体就膨胀。

6 as a rule作为一个常规,通常,习以为常

As a rule, we keep records on all the experiments so that we may have enough dat a.我们通常总是对所有的实验都作记录,以便得到足够的资料。

7. as…as ever像往常一样……

She works as hard as ever.她工作一贯努力。

8. as…as possible尽可能地……

as soon as possible尽可能早

as big as possible尽可能大,越大越好

as carefully as possible越仔细越好

as far as possible尽可能,尽力?

9. as before依旧?

He gave the same answer as before(或as ever).


10. as early as…早在……

As early as 1949,he suggested that plan.


11. As (或so) far as we know.就我们所知。

12. As follows如下

The text reads as follows.原文如下。

13. as for (或as to)至于,讲到,关于

As for (或as to) physics, it is not difficult at all.


14. as good as跟……一样,几乎等于

She is as good as her words.她遵守诺言。

15. as it is (was)①在句首,“但在实际上”;②在句末,“照原来样子”。

As it was, we did help them.


Leave the things as they are.别动这些东西。

16. As many…as…


From this library you can borrow as many books as you want to read.在这个图书馆内,凡是你想读的书都能借到。

17. as matters stand按目前情况来说?

As matters stand, he does not like to make the plan public.就目前情况而论,他不愿公开那个计划。

18. as usual照例,照常

He arrived on schedule(或on time) as usual.


19. as well又,也,同样

He speaks English as well.他也讲英语。

20. as well as和……一样,不但……而且……

He has skill as well as knowledge.


21. so as to (后接不定式动词)为的是,以便……;以致……

We must go early so as to be in time.


He worked hard so as to end the task with success.


22. such as…

“名词+such as…”这里such as是复合连接词,引出同位语,以对前面的名词起列举作用,可译为“例如”。

Soft materials, such as cloth, do not carry sounds so well as wood, iron and oth er solids.像布那样柔软的材料,不如木材、铁和其它固体东西传导声音那样好。

“…such as”这里such是代词,作“这样的人、事、物”讲, as是关系代词,引出定语从句。

This book is not such as I expect.这不是一本我所希望的书。(such是代词作表语用,是as的先行词。)
