
发布时间:2017-02-24 16:06





Our character, basically, is a composite of our habits. “Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny,” the maxim goes.

人的品德基本上是又习惯组成的。 俗语说;思想决定行动,行动决定习惯,习惯决定品德,品德决定命运。

Habits are powerful factors in our lives. Because they are consistent, often unconscious patterns, they constantly, daily, express our character and produce our effectiveness or ineffectiveness.

习惯对我们的生活有绝大的影响,因为他是一贯的。 在不知不觉中, 经年累月影响着我们的品德,暴露出我们的本性,左右着我们的成败。

As Horace Mann, the great educator, once said, “Habits are like a cable. We weave a strand of it everyday and soon it cannot be broken.” I personally do not agree with the last part of his expression. I know habits can be learned and unlearned. But I also know it isn't a quick fix. It involves a process and a tremendous commitment.


Those of us who watched the lunar voyage of Apollo 11 were transfixed as we saw the first men walk on the moon and return to earth. But to get there, those astronauts literally had to break out of the tremendous gravity pull of the earth. More energy was spent in the first few minutes of lift-off, in the first few miles of travel, than was used over the next several days to travel half a million miles.


Habits, too, have tremendous gravity pull- more than most people realize or would admit. Breaking deeply imbedded habitual tendencies such as procrastination, impatience, criticalness, or selfishness that violate basic principles of human effectiveness involves more than a little willpower and a few minor changes in our lives. “Lift off” takes a tremendous effort, but once we break out of the gravity pull, our freedom takes on a whole new dimension.


Like any natural force, gravity pull can work with us or against us. The gravity pull of some of our habits may currently be keeping us from going where we want to go. But it is also gravity pull that keeps our world together, that keeps the planets in their orbits and our universe in order. It is a powerful force, and if we use it effectively, we can use the gravity pull of habit to create the cohesiveness and order necessary to establish effectiveness in our lives.



If you're one in a million in China, there are 1300 people just like you.


China will soon become the Number One English-speaking country in the world.

中国将很快成为世界上说英语人数最多的国家。 (新东方小编:中国年轻人看了可别太沾沾自喜,咱人口基数大……)

The 25% of India's population with the highest IQ's is greater than the total population of the United States.

在印度,智商前25%的人比美国的总人口还多。 (新东方小编:不知道中国的情况是怎样。)

There are over 200 million registered users on MySpace. If MySpace were are country, it would be the 5th largest in the world.


There are about 540,000 words in the English languae, about 5 times as many as during Shakespeare's time.


The amount of new technical information is doubling every 2 years, for students starting a 4 year technical degree this means that half of what they learn in their first year of study will be outdated by their third year of study.


Predictions are that by 2049, a $1000 computer will exceed the computational capabilities of the entire human species.




What has life taught you? Think about all the things you would love to tell yourself if you could travel back in time to give your younger self some advice about life.


1.In life, you usually get what you ask for, but it rarelycomes in the packageyou think it’s supposed to come in.


2.Never let one bad day make you feel like you have a bad life.


3.Just because today is a terribleday doesn’t mean tomorrow won’t be the best day of your life.


4.A mistake is an accident. Cheatingand lying are not mistakes. They are intentionalchoices.


5.Surround yourself with positivepeople who are going to push you toward greatness. Eliminatethose who are trying to keep you from it.


6.Don’t let something that doesn’t matter cause you to lose something that does.


7.Sometimes people aren’t who they seem to be, and sometimes people are so much more than you originallythought.


8.Loving someone isn’t just about saying it every day, it’s showing it every day in every way.


9.Of all the things that can be stolen from you – your possessions, your youth, your health, your words, your rights – what no one can ever take from you is your freedom to choose what you will believe in, and who and what your heart will love.


10.Age wrinklesthe body. Quittingon your dreams wrinkles the soul.

