
发布时间:2017-04-06 23:22


日常实的用英语对话:Closing a conversation

Saying goodbye


A: Hei, Charlie, are you busy this evening?

B: Sorry, I’m afraid that I’ve got plan tonight.

A:What are you doing?

B: I’m going to my parents’ house for my father’s birthday.

A:How old is he today?

B: It’s his fifty years birthday.

A: Well, wish my happy birthday for me.

B:Sure, thanks. What are your plans for this evening?

A:I was just thinking of going to a movie tonight.

B: Well, if you can wait until tomorrow night, I’ll go with you then.

A: Sorry, I‘ve got people coming over tomorrow night.

B:Sounds like this weekend just isn’t get out for us.

A:Sounds that way. Maybe some other time then.

B:Sure. Hei, I’m sorry, but I’’ve got get going.

A:Yhea, me too, it’s just about time I made move

B:See, say my hello to your friends.

A:Like wise. See you later.



A:That was a great dinner; I didn’t know you knew how to cook.

B:I’m glad you liked it, are you ready for dessert?

A:I don’t know, I’m pretty full. What are we having?

B:I made strawberry short cake.

A:Wow, That’s my favorite. Maybe I‘ll just have a small slice.

B:Would you like coffee or tea with that?

A:Oh, I’ll have a cup of Tea

B:Do you take cream or sugar with your tea?

A:Actually, could I have some milk with that?

B:Definitely. Would you like skim or home milk?

A:Skim please. That would be very nice. Thanks .

Oh, no, jana, I’m so sorry. But I’ve got to go.

B:What happened?

A:I’ve just got a message from my sister. Say she was in a car accident. I need to pick her out.

B:I’ll go with you. Where is she?

A: She’s on the am 40 near reading.

B:Is she alright?

A: I don’t know. She didn’t say. I’m so sorry about this.

B:Don’t worry. Family comes first. Come on. Let’s go.

A: Actually, I’ve only got two seater, I’ll have them going on.

B: OK, Just call me if you need any thing.

A: I will. Thanks a lot.

日常实的用英语对话:A good read

Dialogue one

G: What are you reading?

D: I am just reading an old book called, The Monkey King.

G: Do you mean the famous Chinese story?

D: No, it is based on the Chinese story. This is a piece of fiction by Timothy Mo.

G: Who is Timothy Mo? I've never heard of him before.

D: He is an amazing Brithish author from Oxford.

G: So, he is not Chinese?

D: Well, sort of. His father is Cantonese and his mother is British.

G: Has he written any other books?

D: Yes, he wrote An Insular Possession and Sour Sweet.

G: What's " The Monkey King "about?

D: It is a novel about domestic tyranny and revolt. The protagonist goes from being very wealthy to having next to nothing. but like the Monkey King from Chinese legend, he manages to survive.

G:That sounds interesting.Where does the story take place?

D:Mostly in HongKong

G: Would you recommend it to me?

D: So far, I would, but I haven't read the ending yet. I find that the last few chapters usually make or break a good book.

G: Well, let me know when you finish, I am always on the lookout for a good book to read.

D: Sure thing.

Dialogue two

D: What was your favourite story as a child?

G:When I was really little, I loved the stories "Runaway Bunny" and " Goodnight, Moon"

D: Who are the authors of those books?

G:I am not sure. I haven't read them in a long time. Afterall, they are just children's books

D:Do you still have a copy of them?

G: yes, i think I have them packed away in a box in my parent's home. What about you? what was your favourite book as a child?

D: I don't know. I think it would have to be the Dr. Seuss book, " Green Eggs and ham"

G: That's a good one, He has a very unique style of writing.

D: Yes,It's sort of a mix between poetry and fiction.

G: Do you like to read?

D:I've always loved reading. I usually read at least two or three books a month. What about you?

G: I love reading, but it's difficult to find the time to finish a book. what are you reading at the moment?

D:I actually just finfished a Stephen King novel. I couldn't put it down.

G: His novels are fantastic. I have a few at home; I'll bring them over for you later.

日常实的用英语对话:Going to a Theatre


Alexa: I was thinking that maybe we could go see a play

this weekend.

Cooper: What's on?

A: There's a new musical at the Orpheum theatre this month.

C: I don't really care for musicals.

Are there any Shakespeare plays on?

A: There's just A Midsummer Night's Dream on at the Poseidon.

But, we just saw that last year.

C: What's playing at the Caldonion Theatre?

A: I think that's where a famous Italian opera singer

will be appearing tonight in The Magic Flute.

C: We could go to see that. Do you think there are any tickets left?

A: I thought you didn't like musical performances?

C: No, I said that I don't like musicals, but I do like operas.

They're different.

A: I see. I heard it's supposed to be a great performance.

C: Maybe we should invite Meg and Aaron to go with us.

I remember once that they said they love operas.

A: That's a good idea. We haven't seen them in a while.

That would be fun. C: I'll give them a call tonight after dinner.

A: And then I'll call for tickets.

C: We make a great team, don't we?


c: So, are you enjoying the performance so fur?

A: Well, the costumes and the set are marvellous,

but the acting is a bit stiff. What do you think?

C: I think you're being a bit critical.

The actor in the lead role is fantastic.

I suppose the chorus could be a bit better, though.

A: Do you know anyone in the play?

C : Actually, the woman playing Ophelia IS a past classmate of mine.

A: Really? Is that why you wanted to come to the play?

C: That's only a part of it. I absolutely adore this director.

Every play he works on turns out great.

A: So you've seen other plays that he's directed?

C: Quite a few actually. By the way, after the play,

there's always a big party for the cast and their friends.

My friend has invited us. Do you want to go?

A: Sure, I'd love to meet the cast! Have you ever been in a play?

C: I've never had a part in a play before,

but I used to be a part of the stage crew in high school.

A: What did you do?

C: I helped build the sets and find props for the plays.

What about you? A: I once helped out with costumes,

but I didn't enjoy it very much.

C: Why not?

A: I spent over three weeks sewing sequins on a coat.

C: -That sounds kind of boring. Oh, look.

They're dimming the lights. I think we should get back to our seats

for the second half of the play.
