英语双语阅读:Drink to Your Health

发布时间:2017-03-17 11:48

导语:.水对我们的生命起着重要的作用 ,它是生命的源泉,是人类赖以生存和发展的不可缺少的最重要的物质资源之一.

Since all living things need it, and it makes up two-thirds of our bodies, it seems obvious that water is vital to our health. Most people, however, drink fewer than the eight recommended glasses each day. An alarming one-third drink no water at all!

So why is drinking enough water so important? A minor water deficiency can lead to headaches, sleepiness, and moodiness, while prolonged dehydration can cause high blood pressure and other serious problems.

Drinking water helps our bodies in a variety of ways. It helps us get rid of toxins, which enables our kidneys to do a better job, and it helps prevent bladder infections. It improves digestion and helps us develop antibodies. Finally, water is a great moisturizer and gives our skin a healthy glow.

Drinking water throughout the day is an important habit to pick up. For your health, give this simple substance the importance it deserves.






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