
发布时间:2017-03-27 14:25



The centipede waits by the hole of the earthworm, wants to eat it when thee is an opportunity.

But the earthworm hiding in the hole suddenly sticks out its head and breaks one of the centipede's legs when the centipede is not alert. Angered by this, the centipede begins to drill itself into the hole. Because the hole is too small, it cannot get in, and the earthworm breaks another leg.

There is nothing the centipede can do about it, but it doesn't want to leave. So the centipede has but to wait outside the hole. The earthworm does the same thing, and breaks the centipede's legs one by one. Before long, the one-hundred-leg centipede has no legs any more. Although the centipede is not dead without legs. But it cannot move anymore, and can do nothing but watch the earthworm eat its body.





A big snake passed by under a spider wet. And it wanted to eat the spider in the web. But because it was not high enough to reach the web, it had to give up.

When the spider saw the snake leaving, it came down from the web hanging with a thread. The snake thought this was an opportunity, and then waited with its head high in the car. Seeing that the snake came back, the spider came back to the web. After doing this for several times, the snake got very weary and lowered its head. The spider suddenly came at the snake when it was not prepared and bit its head firmly.

The wounded snake jumped wildly and fell on the grounds repeatedly, failing to kill the spider on its head. After the spider bit the snake dead, it begun to eat the snake's brains, and didn't leave until it was full.





When a gecko meets with a scorpion, the gecko will always provoke the scorpion that has no eyesight with its tail. Angered by the provocation, the scorpion will sting the gecko with the poisonous sting of its tail.

The tail of the gecko is very smooth and agile, and the scorpion always misses it, instead it hurts itself. Fatherly angered by this, the scorpion attacks the gecko more fiercely.

After hurting itself several times, the body of the scorpion begins to stiffen. Then the gecko will relax itself and eat the scorpion happily.



