
发布时间:2017-06-18 21:27




1. The grapes are sour. 葡萄是酸的。

2. Grasp all, lose all. 样样都要,全都失掉。

3. Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达。

4. He laughs best who laughs last. 最后笑的人笑得最得意。

5. He who hesitates is lost. 踌躇不决者必然失败。

6. Health is better than wealth. 健康胜于财富。

7. Healven helps those who help themselves. 自助者天助。

8. He travels the fastest who travels alone. 单独旅行的人走得最快。

9. He who denies all confesses all. 否认一切的人就等于承认了一切。

10. He who makes no mistakes makes nothing. 不犯错的人必将一事无成。


1. History repeats itself. 历史总重演。

2. Honesty is the best policy. 诚实是上上之策。

3. Hunger is the best sause. 饥饿是最好的调味汁。

4. If the cap fits, wear it. 帽子若适合你,就戴上吧。

5. If you want peace, prepare for war. 欲求和平必先备战。

6. Things done can not be undone. 木已成舟。

7. Take one‘s courage in both hands. 勇往直前,敢作敢为。

8. Take the rough with the smooth. 即能享乐,也能吃苦。

9. Take the world as it is. 随遇而安。/听其自然。

10. Take things as they come. 既来之,则安之。

11. Take time by the forelock. 要抓住时机。

12. Tall trees catch much wind. 树大招风。

13. Tastes differ. 众口难调。/人各有所好。

14. Teaching others teaches yourself. 教学相长。

15. Temperance is the best physic. 克制乃是最好的治疗。

16. Take a pain for a pleasure all wise man can. 智者能视苦为乐。

17. Take time while time is, for time will be away. 机不可失,时不再来。

18. Tears are the silent language of grief. 眼泪是悲哀的无声言辞。

19. Telling your troubles is swelling your troubles. 诉说烦恼等于增加烦恼。

20. Temperance is the greatest of virture. 自我节制是最大的美德。


1) One man's fault is another man's lesson 前车之覆,后车之鉴 。

2) Hope for the best and prepare for the worst抱最好的期望,作最坏的准备。

3) He is truly happy who makes others happy使他人愉悦的人,是真正的愉悦。

4) No cross, no crown没有苦难,就没有愉悦 。

5) Make hay while the sun shines晒草要趁太阳好。

6) Knowledge is power知识就是力量。

7) A contented mind is a perpetual feast 知足长乐。

8) Great hopes make great men伟大的理想造就伟大的人物。

9) A little pot is soon hot壶小易热,量小易怒。

10) Still waters run deep流静水深,人静心深。

11) A merry heart goes all the way情绪愉快,万事顺利。

12) Good advice is harsh to the ear 忠言逆耳 。

13) All lay loads on a willing horse 好马重负。

14) Great hopes make great men 伟大的理想造就伟大的人物。

15) I’m the best! I’m the greatest! I’m invincible我是最棒的。我是不可征服的。

16) Work today,for you know not how much you may be hindered tomrrow今朝有事今朝做,明朝可能阻碍多。

17) Character is the first and last word in the success circle人的品格是事业成功的先决条件。

18) Bad excuses are worse than none 狡辩比不辩护还糟 。

19) Early to bed, early to rise, make a man healthy, wealthy, and wise睡得早,起得早,聪明富裕身体好。

20) Nobody's enemy but his own 自寻苦恼 。






