
发布时间:2017-02-24 16:50




Abraham Lincoln


August 12th, 1879


I see the President almost every day, as I happen to live where he passes to or from his lodgings out of town. He never sleeps at the White House during the hot season, but has quarters at a healthy location some three miles north of the city, the Soldiers' home, a United States military establishment. I saw him this morning about eight thirty coming in to business, riding on Vermont avenue, near L street. He always has a company of twenty-five or thirty cavalry, with sabres drawn and held upright over their shoulders They say this guard was against his personal wish, but he let his counselors have their way. The party makes no great show in uniform or horses. Mr. Lincoln on the saddle generally rides a good-sized, easy-going gray horse, is dressed in plain black, somewhat rusty and dusty, wears a black stiff hat, and looks about as ordinary in attire, as the commonest man. A lieutenant, with yellow straps, rides at his left, and following behind, two by two, come the cavalry men, in their yellow-striped jackets. They are generally going at a slow trot, as that is the pace set them by the one they wait upon. The sabres and accoutrements clank, and the entirely unornamental cortege as it trots towards Lafayette square arouses no sensation, only some curious stranger stops and gazes. I see very plainly Abraham Lincoln's dark brown face, with the deep-cut lines, the eyes, always to me with a deep latent sadness in the expression. We have got so that we exchange bows, and very cordial ones. Sometimes the President goes and comes in an open barouche. The cavalry always accompany him, with drawn sabres. Often I notice as he goes out evenings-and sometimes in the morning, when he returns early he turns off and halts at the large and handsome residence of the Secretary of War, on K street, and holds conference there. If in his barouche, I can see from my window he does not alight, but sits in his vehicle, and Mr. Stanton comes out to attend him. Sometimes one of his sons, a boy of ten or twelve, accompanies him, riding at his right on a pony. Earlier in the summer I occasionally saw the President and his wife, toward the latter part of the afternoon, out in a barouche, on a pleasure ride through the city. Mrs. Lincoln was dressed in complete black, with a long crape veil. The equipage is of the plainest kind, only two horses, and they nothing extra. They passed me once very close, and I saw the President in the face fully, as they were moving slowly, and his look, though abstracted, happened to be directed steadily in my eye. He bowed and smiled, but far beneath his smile I noticed well the expression I have alluded to. None of the artists or pictures has caught the deep, though subtle and indirect expression of this man's face. There is something else there. One of the great portrait painters of two or three centuries ago is needed.

我几乎每天都能看到总统,因为我恰好住在他往返于城外寓所的必经路上。在炎热的夏季,他晚上从不在白宫歇息,而是住在城北约3英里处的一个充满朝气的处所美国军事基地"士兵之家"。今天早晨大约8点半我看见他进城办事,骑马走在L大街附近的佛蒙特路上。和他随行的总有一支25到30人的身佩军刀的骑兵队伍, 军刀笔直地挂在他们的肩上。据说总统本人并不愿意有这支护卫队,但最终还是顺从了顾问们的意志。他们一行人的着装和马匹都不事张扬。马鞍上的林肯先生通常骑一匹体格高大、性情温和的灰色骏马,他穿着一身褪色的灰乎乎的黑色服装,头戴一顶硬挺挺的黑色帽子。从这身打扮来看,他和最普通的人一样平平常常。 一位佩戴黄色绶带的中尉骑马走在他的左侧,跟随身后的是两两一排的身着黄条上衣的骑兵。他们常常慢步前进,因为他们守候的总统先生就是这么缓缓而行。当这群军刀配件叮当作响、完全不加修饰的队伍徐徐走向拉菲特广场时,丝毫没有引起任何骚动,只有某个好奇的陌生人驻足而视。我非常清楚地看到亚伯拉罕·林肯先生的深褐色的脸庞,脸上刻着深深的皱纹,他的眼睛在我看来总带着一种潜在的深深的忧伤。我们见面时便相互欠身致意,彼此非常真诚。有时,总统也乘一辆敞篷四轮马车出入,骑兵护卫们总是手秉出鞘的军刀跟随着他。在他晚间外出,有时是清晨早早归来时,我常常注意到他会拐到K街,停在国防部长宏伟气派的官邸门前,在那里开会。如果他坐着敞篷马车,我从窗户可以看到他并不下车,而是坐在车里,斯塔顿先生会出来迎接他。有时他的儿子,一个10到12岁的男孩会骑匹小马驹陪在他的右侧。初夏时节,我偶尔见到总统和夫人在下午乘坐四轮马车高高兴兴地在城里游览。林肯夫人一身纯黑色打扮,头戴长长的黑色面纱。他们的出行装备再简单不过了,除了两匹马和他们自己就别无他物。有一次他们从我身边经过, 距离非常近,而且速度很慢,我完完全全看到了总统的面容,他的目光尽管飘忽不定,却恰好稳稳地与我的目光相遇。他欠身朝我微笑,但是在他的笑容背后,我仍然清楚地注意到我曾提及过的深深的忧郁之情。没有哪位画家,也没有哪张照片曾经捕捉到总统脸上这种深沉、细微而又内敛的表情。这张脸上还流露出某种其他的神色,只有两到三个世纪以前的某位伟大的肖像画家方可绘出。


Fellow Travelers

第四部分 同行者

August 28th, 1931


The next day in the afternoon four of us started out for the hop-fields. The most interesting of the men with me was a youth named Ginger, who is still my mate when I write this. He is a strong, athletic youth of twenty six, almost illiterate and quite brainless, but daring enough for anything. Except when in prison, he has probably broken the law every day for the last five years. As a boy he did three years in Borstal,came out, married at eighteen on the strength of a successful burglary, and shortly afterwards enlisted in the artillery. His wife died, and a little while afterwards he had an accident to his left eye and was invalided out of the service. They offered him a pension or a lump sum, and of course he chose the lump sum and blew it all in about a week. After that he took to burglary again and has been in prison six times, but never for a long sentence, as they have only caught him for small jobs; he has done one or two jobs which brought him over £ 500. He has always been perfectly honest towards me, as his partner, but in a general way he will steal anything that is not tied down. I doubt his ever being a successful burglar, though, for he is too stupid to be able to foresee risks. It is all a great pity, for he could earn a decent living for he chose. He has a gift for street selling, and has done a lot of jobs at selling on commission, but when he has had a good day he bolts instantly with the takings. He is a marvelous hand at picking up bargains and can always, for instance, persuade the butcher to give him a pound of eatable meat for two pence, yet at the same time he is an absolute fool about money, and never saves a halfpenny. He is given to singing songs of the Little Grey Home in the West type, and he speaks of his dead wife and mother in terms of the most touching sentimentality. I should think he is a fairly typical petty criminal.

第二天下午我们四人开始启程,前往种植着蛇麻草的田地。和我同行的人中最有趣的一个叫金格,当我写下这些文字的时候他仍然和我在一起。他26岁,体格强健,朝气蓬勃,几乎一字不识,笨头笨脑,但是敢于冒险,敢做任何事。除了在监狱的日子,他在过去5年中可能天天都在干着违法的勾当。年少时,他在少年犯感化院待了3年,出来后凭借一次成功的盗窃在18岁时娶了妻子,后来当了炮兵。他妻子死后不久,由于一次事故,他左眼受伤,不能继续留在军中,从此伤残退役。军队给他提供抚恤金,有月付和一次付清两种选择,他选了后者,一周不到就挥霍耗尽。此后他又重操旧业,开始行窃,到如今已经蹲过6次监狱,但每次都判刑不长,因为他们只是因为小偷小摸而逮捕他。他曾经抢劫一两次,捞到了500多英镑。因为我是他的同伴,他向来都对我开诚布公。总的说来,任何东西他都会顺手牵羊。但我怀疑他是否是一位成功的窃贼,因为他过于愚蠢,无法预知风险。我觉得只要他愿意,他是可以过上体面生活的,这实属一大憾事。他天生擅长做街头买卖,曾经好些次得到了销售提成呢。但是一旦有点好日子,他立即逃之夭夭。他还是一个能买到便宜货的顶级好手,例如,他总能说服屠夫给他一磅肉,而只花两分钱。但与此同时,对于钱财他却是一个十足的傻瓜,从来不会存得半分半子儿。 他会倾情演唱和《西边的灰色小屋》类似的感伤歌曲,当他提起死去的妻子和母亲时,也总是声泪俱下,悲痛万分。我想他是一个极为典型的小罪犯。

Of the other two, one was a boy of twenty named Young Ginger, who seemed rather a likely lad, but he was an orphan and had had no kind of upbringing, and lived the last year chiefly on Trafalgar Square. The other was a little Liverpool Jew of eighteen, a thorough guttersnipe. I do not know when I have seen anyone who disgusted me so much as this boy. He was as greedy as a pig about food, perpetually scrounging around dustbins, and he had a face that recalled some low-down carrion-eating beast. And we could never persuade him to wash more of himself than his nose and a small circle round it, and he mentioned quite casually that he had several different kinds of louse on him. He too was an orphan, and had been "on the toby" almost from infancy.

至于其他两个同伴,一个20岁,名叫小金格,他看上去像个放荡不羁的小伙, 他是个孤儿,没有多少教养,过去一年主要在特拉法加广场上度过。另外一个是一个利物浦的犹太人,18岁,完全是个流浪汉。在我见过的所有人中,我不知道是否还有比他更令我作呕的人了。他对食物贪婪得像猪一般,总是不停地在垃圾桶边转悠他的脸让我想起某种低贱的以腐肉为生的野兽。我们绝不可能劝服他把自己洗漱干净,他洗脸时总是只洗自己的鼻子和鼻子周围一圈的范围。他非常若无其事地跟我们讲他身上长着几种不同类别的虱子。他也是一个孤儿,几乎从婴儿起就流落街头。
