
发布时间:2016-12-02 14:29


少儿英语口语故事:Suspicious Shoppers

Martin and Jane were shopping. They were in Ross Dress for Less. They had just bought shirts, pants, skirts, and tops that filled up four plastic bags. Martin picked up all four bags. Jane said there was no need to do that. “Why not?” he asked her.

“We can just put everything into a Ross cart and roll it out to the car,” she suggested.

“We can't do that,” he replied. “These carts are for in-store use only. You can't walk all over the mall with their carts. Let's just carry these bags out to the car, put them into the trunk, and then we can continue to shop.” They no sooner walked out the door of Ross than they saw about 50 rental shopping carts locked to a rail.

“See,” Martin pointed out to Jane, “if you want to use the cart, you can just rent one for the whole day from the rack.”

The mall was huge, and it was air-conditioned. Both of them were chilly. "When we get back to the car, let's grab our jackets," Jane suggested. As soon as they walked outside, the blast of summer heat hit them. Once at the car, they put the bags into the trunk. Then they plopped down into the front seats. They were both tired from all the walking they had just done. When they felt more refreshed, they locked the car and walked back to the mall entrance.

"Wait a minute," Jane said. They stopped. Jane told Martin about the two suspicious characters sitting outside the entrance. "They were watching us as we carried the bags out to the car," she said.

"You have very sharp eyes," Martin said. They went back to their car. Martin drove around to the other side of the mall, and they parked in the area marked “6.”


少儿英语口语故事:Death Is Part of Life

"Happy birthday! This is your dad calling," Dad said. Dad always identified himself, as if after 60 years Joel didn't recognize his own dad's voice. "Well, you're getting pretty old, aren't you?" Dad asked.

"I sure am," Joel said. "In fact, I'm the same age you were 20 years ago!"

"Yes, who'd ever think that they wished they were 60 again," said his dad. "This aging process is certainly no fun."

"You can say that again," Joel said. But as they say, it's a lot better than the alternative. As long as you're reasonably healthy in mind and body. They both agreed.

His dad and mom were still quite active. They lived together in their house. They both drove. They both played golf regularly and were active volunteers in the community.

But, such independence would not last forever. Both of them would eventually need part-time or full-time nursing assistance at home, or maybe even have to be moved into a nursing home.

What a quiet end that will be, Joel thought, to such fun, productive, and eventful lives. Lying in a bed in a nursing home, waiting for relatives and friends to come visit. Waiting for the nurse’s aide to bring medication, dinner, or an extra blanket. Waiting for help to use the bathroom.

Much of that time spent waiting would also be spent in thought. What do people think about when they know their time is almost up, Joel wondered.

少儿英语口语故事:Tagger Shoots Woman

A 58-year-old woman, mother of three, grandmother of eight, was shot twice in the head Friday night. She was driving to the Wal-Mart east of Pasadena. Only a block from her home, she saw two kids spray-painting graffiti on a new building. She honked at the kids. They continued to tag the building. She honked again. Then she got out of her car and started yelling at them to stop it. They turned around and shouted obscenities at her. She got back into her car, telling the boys that she was calling the police.

She did not notice another car behind her. The car pulled up next to her. The passenger window rolled down, and two shots were fired. The two boys, who had been watching, walked over to the woman’s car. One opened the driver’s door and grabbed her purse. The other opened the passenger door and dug through the glove compartment. Then they calmly got into their friend’s car and left the scene.

It is said, “If good people are silent, evil will win.” This woman was not silent, yet evil won. The police caught a 19-year-old who they think fired the shots. He will be tried. If convicted, he will go to prison for 20 years, where he will get free food, housing, and medical care. And where he’ll learn how to commit other crimes.

But because the prisons are so overcrowded, he will probably get out in 10 years. So, at the age of about 30, he will be out committing more crimes, while three children and eight grandchildren will never get to grow older with their grandma. For bravely speaking up, she was put down. People say that what goes around, comes around. But how often does that happen to cold-blooded murderers?





