
发布时间:2017-04-09 08:36



A: Chris, you look frustrated these days. What’s wrong with you?


C: I want to apply for Yale. You know, I have been longing to study at Yale since I came to this senior high school. But my parents are average workers. We manage to make both ends meet every month. So I’m quite worried about the tuition. Maybe I have to give up my dream.

C:我想申请耶鲁。你知道的,我从上高中开始就一直梦想着能去耶鲁大学学习。但 是我父母都是普通工人,我们每月勉强收支平衡。所以我很发愁我的学费,也许 我不得不放弃我的梦想了。

A: Don’t worry. Money is not a problem. At Yale there is a rich diversity of financial aid available. As far as I know, when admitting students, Yale disregards whether a student has the financial ability to support his/her study here, what she really values is whether the prospective student is competent enough to be enrolled to Yale. In my opinion, your excellent performance both in class and after class will catch their attention. So the only thing left for you is to apply for an award.

A:别担心。钱不是问题。耶鲁会为学生提供种类丰富的经济资助。据我所知,耶鲁 在录取学生的时候从不关心学生是否能够负担的了在此学习的费用。她真正看重 的是_个学生的能力是否符含耶鲁的标准。我觉得你在学习和课外活动方面的表 现都非常出色,所以眼下你惟一该做的事就是向耶鲁递交奖学金申请。

C: Yeah. I was too deeply immersed in frustration and almost forgot that I can apply for an award. You words do remind me. Then what should I prepare for such an application?

C:是啊。我一直深陷于沮丧的情绪中,差点忘了还可以申请奖学金呢!你的话倒是 提醒了我。接下来我该如何为申请做准备呢?

A: You should write an aid application. It ought to specify the expected family contribution which includes your parents,total income, parents,assets such as cash, savings and investments, the family size and number of children attending college or private school, your own contribution which consists of a contribution from a student’s own assets, if appropriate, along with a student income contribution from summer earnings and a student’s self-help by a term-time job.

A:你要写一份经济资肋申请。这个申请中要详述你的预期家庭贡献:包括父母的全 部收入、诸如现金、积蓄及投资等的家庭财产、家庭人□及当前正在读大学或是 私立学校的孩子人数、包括你自己的资产或是暑假兼职所得在内的个人可贡献额 以及通过兼职你可能得到的收入。

C: So complicated. But I think it deserves my time and effort.


A: Yes. Yale offers the need-based financial aid to her applicants and determines financial need by subtracting a family contribution from the cost of attendance, which includes tuition, room, board,books, personal expenses and travel. In addition to the tuition, you will receive a bill for room and board from Yale, as well as the estimated allowances for non-billed expenditures such as books, supplies, travel, and personal expenses which are standard amounts. In a word, once admitted, Yale meets 100% of demonstrated financial need.

A:是的。耶鲁向其申请者提供的是以需求为基础的经济资助。她所提供的经济资助 的计算方法是从学业所需支出中减去家庭预期贡献。学业所需支出包括学费、住宿 费、伙食费、书费、个人花销及旅行费用。除去学费,耶鲁会向其申请者提供一份 包含住宿费、伙食费及含书费、日用品花费、旅行费及个人支出在内的常规标准的 预计补贴清单。总之,一旦被耶鲁录取,她会提供给学生申请的全部经济需求。

C: I see. Now I understand how the need-based financial aid works. Is there any other financial aid?

C:我知道了。现在我明白以需求为基础的经济资助是如何运作的了。还有其他的经 济资肋方式吗?

A: Of course. You can either ask for a loan or apply for outside funds. For the detailed information about these two kinds of financial aid, you can search on the internet.

A:当然了。你既可以申请贷款,也可以申请外部资金援助。要想了解有关二者的详 细信息,你可以好好上网查重。

C: OK. Thank you for your patience and detailed explanation.


A: My pleasure. Best wishes for you!


C: Thank you!



K: It is said that our library has got some new books. I want to go and have a look. Do you think I have enough time to go there before it closes?


J: I can’t tell. What time does it close?


K: About eleven o’clock.


J: Now it‘s half past ten. Can you make it in half an hour? Anyhow it is not far from our dormitory.By the way, do you know what the new books are about? I need some books about English writings to refer to for my term paper.

J:现在是10:30。你半个小时够吗?反正图书馆离宿舍也不远。对了,你知道新来 的书都有哪方面的吗?我要写学期论文,需要参考一些有关英语写作方面的书。

K: I heard that most of the new books are about English grammar and writings. All of them are the latest publications. I’m sure that there are some you need. Will you go with me?

K:听说大部分是有关英语语法和写作的书,都是最近出版的。我相信一定有你需要 的。和我_起去吗?

J: OK. Let’s go.

J:好吧。我们走。 .

K: I heard that you are planning to study in the United States next year. Is that true?


J: Yes. My parents and my teachers are suggesting that. Maybe I should have a try.


K: That’s great!


J: But I’m really troubled as I don’t know where to begin. There are so many universities in the United States, but I know little about them. I really don’t want to go just to go. I want to learn something.

J:但我还在发愁,不知从哪儿着手。美国有那么多大学,我对它们了解甚少。我可 不想仅仅是去去而已,我想学点东西。

K: Well. What are you going to study?


J: I’ve always been interested in law and I‘ve laid a good foundation. I would like to learn more in this field.


K: I think Yale Law School is a good choice. It is one of the world's premier law schools. It offers anunmatched environment of excellence and educational intimacy in the form of world renowned faculty.


J: I know that Presidents Gerald Ford and Bill Clinton received their law degrees at Yale Law School.


K: Right. The Law School’s impact on the world is measured by its accomplished graduates . And the Law School’s library has been memorialized as the meeting place of Bill Clinton and fellow student Hillary Rodham Clinton.

K:对。耶鲁法学院对世界的影响以其优秀的毕业生来衡量。还有,法学院图书馆就 是克林顿和希拉里相识的地方。

J: I heard that the Law School’s library contains over 1,000,000 volumes .


K: Right. The Yale Law Library is located within the heart of the Yale Law School complex, providing the Law School community with ready access to one of the world’s finest collections of printed legal materials. These collections are complemented by access to a growing array of online sources, as well as the strong interdisciplinary collections housed nearby at more than twenty-five other campus libraries.

K:对。法律图书馆设在耶鲁大学法学院的中心地带,随时为法学院学生提供获得世 界上最好的法律资料的印刷藏品。这些藏品通过日益增多的网上资源以及附近的 超过25家校内图书馆的跨学科藏品得以补充。

J: How do you know so much about Yale Law School?


K: My elder sister has told me that. She was graduated from Yale Law School. If you want to know more about the Law School, you may come to my home and talk to my sister.

K:是我姐姐告诉我的。她毕业于耶鲁法学院。如果你想更多地了解法学院,你可以 到我家来问我姐姐。

J: Thank you very much! I’d love to.


K: It’s my pleasure.



K: Look at the Poland Pavilion. Do you feel its appearance looks like paper-cut?


J: Yes, it does. The main attractions at the World Exposition are the national pavilions, created by participating countries.


K: Right. I like the China Pavilion. It is a sophisticated structure that has many traditional Chinese elements, including calligraphy, architecture, gardening and urban planning. Standing in the central location of the Exposition site at 63m tall, triple the height of any other pavilion, the structure surely will become fine exhibit for Shang Hai to present to the world.

K:对。我喜欢中国馆。中国馆是融含了书法、建筑、园艺和城市规划等多种中国传 统元素的复杂建筑体。坐落在世博会场中心位置,63米高,是其他展馆高度的三 倍。中国馆必定会成为上海展现结世界的一个建筑奇观。

J: I heard that the main structure of the China Pavilion is called the “Crown of the Oriental”.


K: Yes. It has an outstanding roof, made of traditional dougong or brackets, which has a history of more than 2,000 years.


J: What’s the feature of dougong style?


K: The dougong style features wooden brackets fixed layer upon layer between the top of a column and a crossbeam. This unique structural component of interlocking wooden brackets is one of the most important elements in traditional China architecture. The function of dougong is to transfer the load from the horizontal member above to the vertical member below.

K:在立柱顶端和横梁交接处固定的一层层木托座就是斗拱式样的特征。这种木托座 交错扣含而成的独特构件是中国传统建筑最重要的元素之一。它的作用就是将上 面横梁的荷载传递到下面的柱身上。

J: You are so professional! How do you know so much about architecture?


K: My father was graduated from Yale School of Architecture 5". Maybe I'm influenced by him. I am also interested in architecture. Have you visited the Jin Mao Building?

K:因为我爸爸毕业于耶鲁大学建筑学院。可能是受他的影响,我也对建筑感兴趣。 你参观过金茂大厦了吗?

J: Not yet.


K: It is an 88-story landmark supertail skyscraper in the Lujiazui area of the Pudong district of Shanghai. It contains offices and the Shanghai Grand Hyatt hotel. It was designed by the Chicago office of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill.

K:金茂大厦是一座88层高的位于上海浦东区陆家嘴的地标性摩天大厦,由美国芝 加哥S0M建筑事务所设计。

J: I’ve heard the Chicago office of Skidmore, Owings &Merrill. It is one of the largest architectural firms in the world.


K: Yes. Their primary expertise is in high-end commercial buildings, as it was SOM that led the way to the widespread use of the modern intemational-style skyscraper. They have built several of the tallest buildings in the world, including the John Hancock Center,which is the second tallest in the world when built, Sears Tower, which is the tallest in the world for over twenty years, and so on. By the way, David Childs is the Consulting Design Partner at Skidmore, Owings & Merrill.

K:对。他们的专长是建造中高档商业楼宇。S0M建筑事务所引领了现代国际式摩天 大楼的广泛使用。他们建造了_些世界上最高的建筑楼宇,其中包括约翰汉考克 中心,建造时是世界第二高楼,西尔斯大厦,20余年间都是世界第一高楼,以及 其他建筑物。顺便说下,戴维?蔡尔兹是S0M建筑事务所的咨询设计含伙人。

J: OK. Tell me more about him.


K: He is a distinguished graduate from Yale School of Architecture. He has projects all over the world, such as Bertelsmann Building at Times Square and New York Mercantile Exchange

K:他是耶鲁建筑学院的优秀毕业生。在世界各地都有建筑项目,如位于时代广场的 贝塔斯曼大厦和纽约商品交易所。

J: It seems that you want to be an architect.


K: Right. My dream is to be an architect. And now I’m applying to the Yale School of Architecture.

