Tom with his axe was stepping through the wood, a sapling called to him, and stopped him onhis way,“Do clear away those trees, kind friend, I wish you would!
They will not let me have free play, on me the sunlight cannot fall. To spread my roots, I findno room at all, no whisper of the wind about me plays, and they twine above my head averitable maze.
I tell you, but for them, if I could only start, you'd find me in a year the pride of all this part.The dell to right and left my friendly shade should cover, but as it is, you see! I'm brushwood—little over.”
Then Tom, he swung his axe apace, his kindness did not waver, and to do a friend thisfavour, and round the little tree he cleared a tidy space.
Poor Sapling! Not for long his triumph lasted, the heat came first, his sap to drain, and thenhe was lashed with hail and rain, and last a dreadful storm, which left him quite dismasted!
“Oh foolish one,”heard by a serpent,“it was you that brought about your fall.
If longer in the wood's kind shelter you'd been reared, then neither heat nor wind your calmcould so importune: you had the elder trees for guardians of your fortune, and if there camea time when all had disappeared, because their day was past and gone.
In turn you might have reached such height, as years went on, and so much health andstrength have gathered. That all this harm would never have been done, and fiercer stormsthan this you might have safely weathered.”
During the wars, a soldier looked after his horse with the greatest care. He gave it the best oatsto eat and the clearest water to drink.
战争期间,有个士兵对他的马悉心照料。给它吃最好的燕麦, 喝最干净的水。
He rubbed it down when it got wet and covered it with a warm blanket on cold winter nights.
As a result, the horse was strong and swift and carried its master safely out of the dangers ofwar.
When peace came, however, the soldier changed. He put the horse out in a field full of thistlesand gave it only a little mouldy hay to eat.
The stable was a broken-down hut with a leaking roof and a floor made of mud; the only waterwas in a ditch under the hedge.
During the day the soldier made the horse work hard on his farm, carrying loads of wood andpulling heavy wagons.
After some time war broke out again. The soldier took out his heavy breastplate and boots,strapped on his pistols and helmet, and went to the field to catch his horse.
Hastily brushing the thistles from its coat, he laid the leather saddle on its back, pulled thebridle over its mangy ears and heaved himself up.
For a moment the horse stood motionless. Then gradually its thin legs began to bend and itsank slowly to the ground. The horse gave the soldier a look of reproach.