
发布时间:2017-03-17 10:00

汉语解释:勇敢,指不怕危险和困难,有胆量,不退缩。词语:勇敢作战,机智勇敢。勇敢可能是天生的也可以是后天锻炼出来的,“勇敢”最重要的含义是:不怕危险 果断向前 敢作敢为 毫不畏惧。一个人要面对各种事情就需要学会勇敢,勇敢也是对自我的一种保护方式。想知道勇敢的英文怎么说吗?

勇敢[yǒng gǎn]


brave英 [breɪv] 美 [brev] courageous ; valiant ; gallant ; boldness

网 络braveness;valiant;bravery;courage



He bore his tribulations bravely.




He won many hearts by his gallantry.


He got a medal for his gallantry.


I think you are very brave.


She bore her sufferings bravely.


He had a commendation for bravery.


The soldier earned a medal for bravery.


Familiarity with danger makes a brave man braver but less daring.


The brave men will breed more brave men.


Let your brave day become a brave tomorrow!

1. It was a courageous decision, and one that everybody admired. 那是一个勇敢的决定,也是一个为所有人赞赏的决定。

2. I think it was very brave of him to tough it out. 我认为他坚持到底非常勇敢。

3. We stood up to the West, and that's a moral victory. 我们勇敢反抗了西方强权,这是一种精神上的胜利。

4. Greg lost his brave battle against cancer two years ago. 格雷格在与癌症进行了勇敢的斗争之后于两年前去世。

5. What he once took as boldness he will now judge as foolhardiness. 他以前认为的勇敢现在觉得是有勇无谋。

6. She has courageously continued to lead a fulfilled life. 她一直勇敢地坚持着充实满足的生活。

7. It was a very frightening experience and they were very courageous. 那是一次让人胆战心惊的经历,而他们表现得非常勇敢。

8. He always put his point of view with clarity and with courage. 他总是清楚而勇敢地提出自己的观点。

9. Sometimes I am not as brave as I should be. 有时我表现得不够勇敢。

10. Louis was shown as an intelligent, courageous and virtuous family man. 路易斯在人们眼里是一个智慧、勇敢、品德高尚的顾家男人。

11. He died after a brave but unavailing fight against a terminal illness. 在与绝症进行了一番勇敢但却徒劳的抗争之后,他还是去世了。

12. From now on, I'm gonna say yes--yes to love, yes to adventure, yes to life, whatever it maybe, the answer's going to be yes. 从今天起,我要积极接受一切,接受爱,迎接挑战,拥抱生活,不管什么事,我都会勇敢地去接受。

13. You can and must act boldly and confidently. 你能够而且必须表现得勇敢和自信。

14. They were praised for their courage and saintliness. 他们的勇敢和善良受到人们的称赞。

15. You're brave and courageous. You can make it. 你勇敢无畏,一定会获得成功。

16. Charles was brave and remarkably good-humoured. 查尔斯很勇敢而且脾气也特别好。

17. He bore his sufferings manfully. 他勇敢地面对苦难。

18. Mr Kim bravely stood up to authority. 金先生勇敢地向权威挑战。

19. We have to prove how gritty we are. 我们必须证明我们有多么勇敢无畏。

20. a citation for bravery 因勇敢而受到的嘉奖
