新目标初二下册英语Unit 2测试试题及答案

发布时间:2017-05-12 13:24

无论是面对哪一门学科的学习,我们都要学会去做试题卷,因为它不仅能够检测出学生们的学习情况,而且还能够起到激励学生学习动力的作用!接下来是小编分享的新目标初二下册英语Unit 2测试试题,相信以下内容会对你有所帮助!

新目标初二下册英语Unit 2测试试题

第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分 (85分)

Ⅳ.单项选择 (10分)

16. (2011•河南中考) ______you wait a few more minutes?It will be your turn soon.

A.Must B.Could C.Should D.Might

17.Anna is my best friend,but we often argue ______ each other.

A.with B.about C.at D.and

18.I don't have any money with me.He doesn't,______.

A.either B.too C.also D.but

19.I need to get some money to ______ summer camp.

A.pay on B.pay in C.pay with D.pay for

20.I'll______the address,and ring you back.

A.look out B.look for C.find D.find out

21.We were ______ when we heard the ______ news.

A.surprised;surprising B.surprising;surprised

C.surprising;surprising D.surprised;surprised

22.—You could call him ______.

—I don't want to talk about it ______ the phone.

A.up;in B.up;on C.on;on D.up;by


—I had a fight with my brother.

A.How are you B.What's wrong

C.Can I help you D.What will you do

24.Here is a ticket ______ you ______ the football match.

A.for;for B.for;to C.to;for D.to;to

25.—My best friend is more popular than me.What should I do?

—You should ______.

A.try to be funny B.say sorry to him

C.argue with him D.not be like him

Ⅴ.完形填空 (10分)

Dear Peter,

Without knowing more about you,it is hard for me to give you some good advice.

But first,I am sure that you are __26__.You said that nobody would care if you left h ome.What about your __27__?And other family members?It seems that you are very __28__.You'd better go to see a doctor or talk __29__ your parents.They will be able to help you.

Second,I'm sure there's someone else in your class who feels lonely,__30__.You never know __31__ other people feel.Try to make friends with your classmates.And you could __32__ a club to meet new people and make friends,too.

You __33__ find happiness by yourself.So my __34__ advice is to write a list of all the good things about yourself,learn to like yourself,and then __35__ will see your confidence (信心) and like you,too.


26.A.right B.wrong C.OK D.well

27.A.teachers B.classmates C.friends D.parents

28.A.popular B.tired C.sad D.kind

29.A.to B.about C.of D.on

30.A.too B.either C.also D.as well

31.A.why B.how C.when D.where

32.A.take part in B.join C.join in D.take

33.A.mustn't B.shouldn't C.couldn't D.need to

34.A.finally B.last C.end D.one

35.A.other B.the other C.another D.others

Ⅵ.阅读理解 (20分)


We often find the advice column (栏) in the magazine.Here are some of the questions and the answers.

Q: I often can't fall asleep at night.What should I do?—Bob

A: You can't be too excited.You can count (数) the numbers again and again until you fall asleep.

Q: I am always late for school.I try not to,but I am still late.I am very sad.Please tell me what to do.—Mary

A: You are late for school.I think it's because you go to bed too late.You should go to bed early,and I don't think you like school.You should find ways to love school.

Q: I don't get on well with my classmates.Please tell me what I should do.—Jack

A: I think you may be too shy,or you are too bold (冒失的) .I think you should be friendly to your classmates,and you should get on well with your classmates as much as possible.

36.What's Bob's problem?

A.He can't fall asleep at night. B.He is always late for school.

C.He doesn't get on well with his classmates. D.He is very tired.

37.Who should count numbers?

A.Mary. B.Bob. C.Jac k. D.The adviser.

38.Why is Mary always late for school?

A.Maybe she goes to bed late. B.Maybe she doesn't like school.

C.She walks to school. D.A and B.

39.What does Jack want to do?

A.He wants to go to school on time. B.He wants to sleep well.

C.He wants to get on well with his classmates. D.He wants to go to bed earlier.

40.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The advice column is in the magazine.

B.The magazine doesn't answer Mary's question.

C.All the people can't fall asleep at night.

D.If you want to get on well with your classmates,you should give them some presents.


Sometimes we feel good,for example when we get good grades or when something good happens.Sometimes we feel bad,for example when we argue with our classmates or when the teachers criticize us.Both kinds of feelings are common.Of course,we all enjoy good feelings,but when we feel unhappy,sometimes we don't know what to do about it.Here is a plan that will help you when something is bothering you.

ACCEPT your feelings.Say to yourself,“I am sad.”“I am scared.”“I am angry.”“I am embarrassed.” It's all right to have these feelings.

RELAX and have a rest before you act.Take slow deep breaths (呼吸) and relax your body.Imagine that you are in a safe place.You can listen to some music or sing a beautiful song!

THINK about ways to help yourself.Thinking helps you do something smart instead of hurting yourself or making things worse.

DO something to help yourself.Maybe you can talk to someone,or do something you enjoy.If_it_doesn't_work,go back to Step 3.

41.We feel unhappy when ______.

A.we get good grades B.everything goes well

C.someone is proud of us D.we have a fight with our classmates

42.If you want to relax yourself before you act,you can ______.

A.say to yourself, “I am sad.” B.listen to some music or sing a beautiful song

C.think about ways to help yourself D.watch thrillers with your friends

43.The underlined part (画线部分) “If_it_doesn't_work,”in the passage probably means “______”.

A.If it is broken B.If it can't interest you

C.If it is wrong D.If it can't help you

44.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.We felt good when we won the prize in the competition.

B.We felt bad when we lost our expensive things.

C.We can say to ourselves that we are pleased when we feel bad.

D.We can tell someone about our bad feelings when are sad.

45.The passage tells us ______.

A.what we can do when we feel unhappy

B.we can do nothing when we feel bad

C .we all enjoy good feelings,but bad feelings are unusual to us

D.what we can do when we feel happy

Ⅶ.任务型阅读 (10分)

Mom and dad are two of the most important people in your life.46. If your mom loves to read,you may like to take a book wherever you go,just like she does.

But many kids can't get on well with their parents.The kids don't think that their parents can understand them.49.Some kids always say their parents are too strict with them.How can kids get on with their parents?Here are some tips.

Spend more time together.Don't spend so much time playing computer games or watching TV.You can ask one of your parents to play with you.Go out to do something,try some new games,or just read a book together.

Share your feelings and ask for help.Many kids want their parents to help them when they feel sad,but your mom and dad may not know that you are having a problem.Tell them what's the matter with you and they will be glad to help you.

Do your best in all things.You don't have to be perfect (完美的),but if you do your best,50. (你将会使得你父母很高兴).

根据短文内容,完成下列 任务。

任务1: 根据上下文,选择恰当的句子填入空白处。 (1分)

46.A.They love you more than anyone else you will meet.

B.They may do for you more than anyone else you will meet.

C.They may influence (影响) you more than anyone else you will meet.

任务2: 列出孩子与父母相处不融洽的原因。 (2分)





任务3: 列出孩子与父母相处的建议。 (3分)




任务4: 将文中画线句子译成汉语。 (2分)



任务5: 将文中汉语句子译成英语。 (2分)



50.you'll make your parents very happy

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