
发布时间:2017-03-16 11:32


China's education system has often been criticized for its exam-driven curriculum, focusing on memorizing textbooks and getting good test scores. Students feel too much examination stressduring their study.

The national college entrance examination, known as gaokao, is seen as the only way for millions to a promising career beyond vocational training. Entrance into higher education institutions is heavily reliant on gaokao.

The Ministry of Education started to reform the exam system this year by introducing a more comprehensive evaluation system and providing more choices for students.






文中的examination stress就是“考试压力”的意思,其中stress用作名词,解释为“压力”,常见的词汇搭配有:under stress(在压力下)、in times of stress(在困难时期)等。它还可以用作动词,解释为“强调”,如:In his speech, he stresses honesty as an important virtue.(他在演讲中强调诚实是一种很重要的美德。)

此外,文中的evaluation用作名词,解释为“评估;评价”,例如:job evaluation(工作评价)、performance evaluation(绩效评估)。
