
发布时间:2016-11-12 06:19


Muscle – 肌肉头部须知单词Hair 头发,体毛,寒毛

Blonde – 黄发

Brunette – 棕发

Tips of your hair or end of your hair – 发尖

Root of your hair or hair follicles – 发根

Skull – 头骨

Brain – 大脑

Forehead – 额头

Eye Brow – 眉毛

Eye Lashes – 眼睫毛

Eye balls – 眼球

Eyelid – 眼皮

Pupil – 瞳孔

Nose – 鼻子

Nostrils – 鼻孔

Bridge of the nose – 鼻梁

Mouth – 嘴

Lips – 嘴唇

Upper lip – 上嘴唇

Lower lip – 上嘴唇

Teeth – 牙齿(单数:tooth)

Tongue – 舌头

Tip of the tongue – 舌尖

Gum – 牙龈

Cheek – 脸颊

Cheek bone – 颧骨

Jaw – 腮帮子

Chin – 下巴

Ears – 耳朵(单数:ear)

Ear canal – 耳朵眼儿

Temple – 太阳穴

Neck – 脖子

Throat – 喉咙

Adams’s apple – 男生喉结

Windpipe – 气管

Collarbone – 锁骨四肢(Limbs)须知单词——胳膊类Arm – 胳膊

Forearm – 前臂

Upper arm – 后臂

Wrist – 手腕

Elbow – 胳膊肘

Elbow joint – 肘关节

Funny bone – 麻筋儿

Shoulder – 肩膀

Shoulder blade – 肩胛

Shoulder joint – 肩关节

Biceps – 二头肌

Triceps – 三头肌

Deltoid – 三角肌

Underarm/ armpits – 腋下

Goose bumps – 鸡皮疙瘩手部须知单词Hand – 手

Skeleton – 骷髅,骨架

Bone – 骨头

Joint – 关节

Vein – 静脉

Artery – 动脉

Nerve – 神经

Blood – 血液




