
发布时间:2017-06-15 07:20



Life is short and long, the life course more uneven, although everyone hopes always goes well,

But it is not possible. No matter what profession do people, everyone in the life, study or work in a variety of difficulties and setbacks. Observe many celebrities of the road to success, it is easy to find, they have honed from setbacks.

Have such a story, there is a person in the United States, when he was twenty-one years old, business failure; At the age of 23, for losing the state legislature; Doing business at the age of 24, failed again; Who died at the age of 26, partner, At the age of 27, was a mental breakdown; At the age of thirty-four compete for federal Congressman defeated; At the age of 36, compete for federal representative spiral again; At the age of 45, compete for the senator defeated; At the age of 47, nominate vice President lost; At the age of 49, compete for the senator defeated again; , however, is one such repeatedly battle lost, when he was 52 years old, he finally succeeded, as the sixteenth President of the United States!

This man was Lincoln. President Lincoln had so bumpy journey, as is well known in the world of the big literary giant Mark Twain also has extraordinary life. He once after business, business to do a course in typing, for a publishing company, the results lost $300000, but he didn't decadent, but courage, their spirits to go the way of creation. He soon got rid of the pain of failure, make use of their talents has opened up a piece of their own in the literary creation of the heavens and the earth.

Through these two stories, I'm sure you will understand that the success is need tenacious perseverance and extraordinary courage. One person experiencing some setbacks is not a bad thing, "eminently more tribulations since ancient times, never Wan across the little white male." On the way of us grow, there is royal road to learning, also has a bumpy; There are flowers and thorns. When you reaching for the beautiful flowers, thorns will stab your hand at the same time. If for fear of the pain, is not willing to stretch out my hand, so for this kind of person, then beautiful flower also can only dream of.

Success always belong to those who challenge failed. Go through many setbacks and life test, on the way of our progress as long as have the courage and daring wisdom will be able to overcome the thorns, even was black and blue all over, at least can also proved that "I can do it," I am the brave.


人的一生短暂而又漫长,其生活历程更不平坦 ,虽然人人都希望时时顺利,







Self-confidence, let us to success the journey of life everywhere overgrown with thorns, pluck up your courage, big step forward. Please believe that road is coming out, don't say; "I can't", confidence, you will be successful. On one occasion, the teacher gave us answer, ask a question at that time, I really want to stand up to answer the question, but I again afraid to answer wrong, give the students a joke, I reached back again and again, he could not answer, by accumulation of knowledge, courage by polish, and I now, boldness, also dare to answer the question, in fact, only to stand up to answer the question, confident, need not nervous, don't have to be afraid, brave express his opinion, though not necessarily answer is correct, however, than just dare to say the opinions of students on the desk one hundred times stronger. I had the courage is very small, the teacher to ask questions, I will only answer in your heart, because I was afraid of wrong question students irony, I laugh at me, and now, I don't have my courage small for me as usual confidently stand up and answer correctly, to me, only a big round of applause, admire eyes. I once heard such a story, Edison to invent the electric light, have tried more than one thousand kinds of electric filament, every failure, he will not be discouraged, there are a lot of people to laugh at him, he said proudly, "I found more than one thousand kinds of material is not suitable for electric heater. Edison because full of confidence and courage, will be on the road to success. Boys and girls, let's summon up courage. I always believe a word: confidence, will be successful.


自信,让我们走向成功 人生的路途上处处长满荆棘,鼓起你的勇气,大步向前走.请相信,路是人踏出来的,千万别说;"我不行'',自信就一定会成功.有一次,老师提出一个问题给我们回答,当时,我很想站起来回答问题,但是我又怕回答错误,给同学们笑话,我一次次把手伸回来,不敢回答,知识靠积累,勇气靠磨练,我现在,胆子大了,也敢回答问题了,其实,只有站起来回答问题,自信点,不必紧张,不必害怕,勇敢发表自己的意见,虽然未必回答正确,但是,比只敢在课桌上说意见的同学要强一百倍.我以前胆子很小,老师提问,我只会在心里答,因为我怕回答错问题同学们讽刺我,笑话我,现在呢,我的胆子不在像以前那样小了我自信地站起来,回答正确,投向我的,只有热烈的掌声,佩服的目光。 我曾今听过这样一个故事,爱迪生为了发明电灯,曾经试过一千多种电灯丝,每次失败,他都不气馁,有许多人朝笑他时,他自豪地说:"我发现一千多种物质不适合做电灯丝.爱迪生就因为充满自信和勇气,才会走向成功之路的。 同学们,让我们鼓起勇气吧.我始终相信一句话:自信,一定会成功的。


How to succeed in campus as a college studentCampus life is as important as one of our body in our daily life, which we should learn to treasure ,especially the college life.In our college life,we can take part in all kinds of activities held by various unions that can help widely broaden your sights to make you more informed.Besides rich and corlorful outdoor activities,you can also attend many acdemic speeches or the course you may be fond of as well ,in which you can not only learn something benefitial b ut also you can entertainment both your body and your heart. Moreover, if it is convenient ,you can travel for a vacation to have a relax after a busy college life.Cherish your college life,you can benefit a lot from it.


