
发布时间:2017-03-28 15:59

旅游往往要跋山涉水的,过程虽很累,但它带给人的更多是精神上的和肉体上的愉悦 。小编整理了关于旅游英语常用语句,欢迎阅读!


Hi, we need a table for two, please. 你好﹐我们有两位。

May we have a table by the window, please? 请给我们一个靠窗的桌子好吗﹖

We prefer to sit by the window, please. 我们想坐在靠窗的位子。

Can I take this seat? 我可以坐这个位子吗?

This table would be great. Thank you. 这个位子很好﹐谢谢。

May I have a menu,please? 请给我菜单。

Do you have a menu in chinese? 是否有中文菜单?

What's your special today? 你们今天有什麽特餐﹖

What kind of dish is most popular here? 这裡最受欢迎的餐点是什麽呢﹖

I'd like to have some local food.我想尝试一下当地食物。

I cannot tolerate spicy food, could your chef make my dishes mild? 我受不了辣的菜﹐可以请厨师在我的餐点不加辣吗﹖

We need more time to decide what to order. 我们还需要一些时间来决定要点什麽。

Sorry, we still don't have any idea of what to order, do you have any suggestions? 对不起﹐我们还是没有头绪﹐你有什麽建议吗﹖

I would like to have the same as the next table. 我想和隔壁桌一样的菜

OK, we'll start with two glasses of iced tea, easy on ice, please. 请先给我们两杯冰茶,不要太多冰。

Excuse me, I'd like my coffee warmer. Could you please heat up my coffee little bit? Thank you!.请给我热一点的咖啡

Do you offer any set courses for party of two? 你们有没有提供2个人的套餐﹖

May I have another fork please? 请再给我一根叉子。(加微英语微信号:wanglio 每天让你好看)

Could you give me a fork,please. 请你给我一根叉子。

Could you pass me the salt(pepper)? 请把盐(楜椒)传给我。

This is not what I ordered. 这不是我点的食物。

Is soda refillable? 汽水可续杯吗﹖

Some more water please. 请再帮我加些水。



Is there an airport bus to the city? 这里有从机场去市中心的巴士吗 ?

Where is the bus stop (taxi stand)? 巴士车站在哪里 ?

How much does it cost to the city centre by taxi? 乘计程车到市中心需要多少钱

Keep the change, please 不用找钱了(加微英语微信号:wanglio 每天让你好看)

Take me to this address, please 请拉我去这个地址

How long does it take to go to the city centre ? 到市中心需要多长时间?

Stop here, please 请停下来。

What time does it leave? 几点发车?

Where can I get a ticket? 在哪里卖票?

Could you tell me when we get there? 请问几点能够到达那里。


Thank you but I'm just looking. 谢谢,可是我只是看看。

Let me look around a little more. 让我自己看看

Do you have this in another color? 这个有别的颜色吗?

May I try this on? 我可以试穿这个吗?

Is this tax free? 这免税吗?

Can I pay by credit card? 我可不可以用信用卡付帐?

Too expensive. How about a discount? 太贵了,打个折吧?

Still too expensive. Give me a better discount, and I'll bring back my friends.


Can you cut me a deal? 你可以算便宜一点吗?

Is this your final price? 不能再便宜了吗?

I want this, but in a large size. 我要大一点的

I would like to take this one. 我要买这个。

Please wrap this for me. 请帮我把这个包起来。

I'm looking for a gift for my friend. 我要买这个礼物送给我朋友。

What time do you open/close? 你们几点营业/打烊?

Where can I change money? 我要哪里换钱?

Where is the cash desk? 收银檯在那里?


1.I'm lost. Could you tell me where I am? 我迷路了。您能告诉我现在在哪儿吗?

2.What's the name of this street? 这条街叫什么名字?

3.Where am I on this map? 我在地图上的什么地方?

4.Sorry, I'm new here myself. 不起,我也不是本地人。

5.Where's the restroom? 洗手间在哪儿?

6.Is it far? 远吗?

7.At the end of the street. 在街尽头。

8.Turn right at the traffic light. 在红绿灯处向右拐。

9.Is there a shortcut to that place? 到那儿有近道吗?

10.Is there a bank near here? 请问附近有银行吗?

11.There is a Bank of China over there. 那边有一家中国银行。
