
发布时间:2017-06-05 13:22



Some people stood on the small pier. They saw a boat approach. The boat was approachingfast. The boat was approaching the small pier. Was the boat going to stop? People startedrunning. They started running off the pier. They were worried. They were worried about theboat. The boat kept coming. It didn’t slow down. One man stood on the pier. He didn’t run. Heyelled at the boat. He waved his arms. He yelled, “Stop! Stop! You’re going to crash!” But theboat didn’t stop. It kept coming. The man kept yelling. The boat kept coming. Is the driverdrunk, the man wondered. He ran as fast as he could. He ran off the pier. The boat crashed intothe pier.

一些人站在小码头。他们看到一条船靠近。该船即将快速来临。该艇驶近小码头。船会停下来吗?人们开始奔跑。他们开始逃离码头。他们担心。他们担心船。船保持靠近。它并没有放慢。一名男子站在码头。他没有跑。他冲向船。他挥舞着双臂。他喊道:“住手! 停止!你要撞上了!”但船上没有停止。它不断靠近。该男子不停地吆喝着。船不断靠近。是司机喝醉了,那人想。他尽可能的跑快。他逃离了码头。船撞进码头。


He dropped his toothbrush. It fell on the floor. He picked up his toothbrush. He rinsed it off. Hebrushed his teeth. He rinsed his mouth. He walked out of the bathroom. He sat on his bed. Hefelt something. It was under the sheet. He took the sheet off the bed. Something was in hismattress. It was a brand new mattress. He had bought it yesterday. What is in the mattress,he wondered. He went to the kitchen. He took a knife from the kitchen drawer. He cut openthe mattress. What could it be, he wondered. It was small. It was black. It was a book. It wasthe New Testament. Is God trying to tell me something, he wondered.

他掉了他的牙刷。它摔在地板上。他拿起牙刷。他冲洗它。他刷了牙。他清洗他的嘴。他走出浴室。他坐在自己的床上。他感觉到了什么。它在被单下面。他把被单从床上拿开。有什么东西在他的床垫里。这是一个全新的床垫。他昨天买的它。什么在床垫里,他不知道。他去了厨房。他从厨房的抽屉里拿了一把刀。他剖开的床垫。 可能是什么,他在想。它是小的。它是黑色的。这是一本书。它是新约全书。是上帝想告诉我什么,他在想。


He called up the post office. “Where is my package?” he asked. “What is the tracking number?”the postal worker asked. He told her the tracking number. She said, “Your package is at themain post office. You can pick it up anytime.” He said, “I don’t want to pick it up. Can youdeliver it?” She said yes. “We will deliver it on Monday,” she said. “Will you be home?” He said, “What time on Monday?” She said, “Anytime between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.” He said, “I have towork. I can’t stay home all day.” She said, “That’s okay. We can deliver it on Tuesday.” He said, “I have to work on Tuesday, too. Please deliver it on Saturday.”



He couldn’t find his pen. Where is my pen, he wondered. He looked for his pen. It was on top ofthe microwave. He couldn’t find his cell phone. Where is my cell phone, he wondered. Helooked for his cell phone. It was on top of the TV. He couldn’t find his glasses. Where are myglasses, he wondered. He looked for his glasses. They were on top of his head. I’m tired oflooking for everything, he thought. He invented a tiny video recorder. It recorded everything hedid. It recorded everywhere he went. He couldn’t find his toothbrush. Where is my toothbrush,he wondered. He played his tiny video recorder. He found his toothbrush. He didn’t have to lookfor it.



His laptop sat on his desk. His laptop always overheated. It always overheated quickly. Howcould he keep it cool? He turned on his living room fan. It cooled his laptop. But the fan blewdust around. It blew paper around. He turned off his living room fan. He thought. He thoughtsome more. How could he keep his laptop cool? He had an idea. He bought little plastic blocks.Each block was one inch square. He put the laptop on top of the blocks. One block was undereach corner of the laptop. Now the laptop sat a little above the desk. There was space underthe laptop. There was space for cool air to flow. The cool air prevented overheating.

他的笔记本电脑在他的办公桌上。他的笔记本电脑总是过热。它总是很快就热了。怎么能保持他凉呢?他打开客厅的风扇。它吹着他的笔记本电脑。但风扇吹得到处是灰尘。它吹得到处是纸。他关掉了客厅的风扇。他想,他想了好多。怎么能使他的笔记本电脑降温呢?他有了一个主意。他买了小塑料块。每一块是一英寸。他把笔记本放在塑料块上。一个塑料块在笔记本电脑的一个脚上。 现在笔记本电脑上坐着一个小桌子上。笔记本电脑下面有了空间。空气在空间中流动。凉爽的空气防止过热。
