
发布时间:2016-11-21 13:46


Liu Bei Returns to Jingzhou

This is story from Three Kingdoms. Tricked byZhou Yu, Liu Bei married Sun Shangxiang, SunQuan's younger sister. After the weddingceremony, Liu Bei stayed in the state of Wu. Inlight of Zhuge Liang's plan, Zhao Yun made a falsereport to Liu Bei before his departure, saying thatCao Cao was attacking Jingzhou. He urged Liu Bei togo back. Believing it was true, Liu Bei discussed thematter with his wife and decided that they wouldpretend to offer sacrifice to the ancestors at theriver and would leave the Southland under the escort of Zhao Yun without announcing it. Theday came and Liu Bei and his wife headed to the river. Suddenly, generals and soldiers sent byZhou Yuarrived. Liu Bei was frightened. He rushed to the front of Lady Sun's carriage andappealed tearfully to her: “When your elder brother and Zhou Yu conspired to call me to theSouthland to marry you, they did not do so for your sake. All they wanted was to confine meso that they could retake Jingzhou, and after that to kill me. But I came, because I admireyou. Today, no one but you can save me. If you are not willing, I prefer to die here beforeyour eyes.” Upon hearing this, Lady Sun rolled up the front curtain of her carriage, andshouted to the generals from the state of Wu: “Are you in revolt? Zhou Yu! Therenegade, the traitor!” she cried. “What injury has the Sun family ever done you? Liu Bei ismy husband. Both my mother and my brother were informed that I would return to Jingzhou.Does this blockage maean you're going to plunder our goods?” She denounced Zhou Yuloudly and then ordered her carrige moved forward. The carriage had hardly advanced five orsix li when the second pair of commanders sent by Sun Quan arrived. Lady Sun let Liu Beiproceed. She herself and Zhao Yun held the rear. Lady Sun regarded the two commanderssternly and spoke reproachfully: “You have come between my brother and me. My motherhas sanctioned our trip back to Jingzhou. Even my brother has to conform to what ritualenjoins. Do these weapons mean you want to murder me?” The commanders stared at oneanother helplessly. Though Liu Bei was nowhere to be seen, Zhao Yun waw right there, readyfor bloody combat, eyes angry and wide-staring. At last, the generals had to withdraw.Later when another two generals arrived with Sun Quan's sword, Liu Bei and Lady Sun werealready on one of the boats led by Zhuge Liang, heading for Jingzhou. Later the people said:Trapped a second time in his own tricks, Zhou Yu tasted humiliation added to rage.


周瑜设计,让刘备和孙权的妹妹孙尚香成亲。婚后,刘备一直住在东吴。越云按临行前诸葛亮设的计策:假称曹操攻打荆州,催刘备回去。刘备信以为真,和周瑜派追兵赶来,刘备十分惊慌,于是来到车前泣告孙夫人说:“ 你哥哥和周瑜合谋将你嫁给我,是想用美人计杀我,再夺回荆州。我冒死前来,是敬慕夫人的名声,今天只有夫人出面才能解救,如夫人不出面,我只有一死。”孙夫人一听,立即卷起车帘,大声对追兵说:“你们想造反吗?周瑜这个贼子,我东吴不曾亏待于他。刘备是我丈夫,我母亲和我哥哥知道我要回荆州,难道你们是来抢我们的财物吗?”孙夫人一面大骂周瑜,一面让人推车前进。又走了不到五、六里,孙权派兵将赶来。孙夫人让刘备先走,自己和赵云在后,并叱喝来人说:“你们专门挑拨我兄妹不合,我奉母命回荆州,便是我哥哥来了也得以礼送行,难道你们想害我吗?”来将不敢说话,一看又无刘备,只有赵云怒目而视。只得回营禀报。待追兵再带孙权宝剑赶到江边时,诸葛亮已亲自带船接应,把刘备和孙夫人接回荆州。
