There lived a poor woman who had been a widow forsome years, and had an only child name Jack. Jackwas a careless and extravagant boy. One day thepoor woman found that they did not have enoughmoney to buy even a bit of bread for another day.Nothing now remained to sell but a cow. So she toldJack to sell the cow in the market. But Jackexchanged the cow for a few beans. When hismother saw the beans, she got so angry that shethrew them out of the window. Jack awoke early nextmorning, and discovered that some of the beans had taken root and grown up into the clouds.Jack climbed up the beanstalk and found himself in a strange country. A fairy directed him tothe house of a giant who had killed his father. Jack stole from the giant a hen that laid goldeneggs, two bags of gold and silver coins, and a beautiful harp that could play of its own accord,without being touched. But he was finally discovered by the giant, who ran after him down thebeanstalk. The moment Jack got down the beanstalk he cut the beanstalk with an axe, and thegiant fell and was killed.
Robert Bruce was king of Scotland in the early 14thcentury. He fought in many battles with the Englishto make them allow Scotland to be independent.Sometimes he won, but at other times the Englishwon and he had to hide. On one of these times,according to an old story, he was hiding in Irelandand had almost given up hope of beating theEnglish. He had tried and failed six times. Then hehappened to notice a spider over his bed trying tofix its web on a beam in the ceiling. Six times thespider tried and failed. But the spider tried a seventh time and succeeded. Bruce decided thathe too should try a seventh time. He went back to Scotland and led another army against theEnglish. This time he was successful, and the English had to recognize Scottishindependence.
Jack was the son of a farmer, and lived in the days ofKing Arthur. He was brave and intelligent andbecame famous for killing a lot of giants. Jack firstkilled the giant of Mount Cornwall by using a trick.He dug a pit, covered it with branches and earth,and then lured the giant into it. Later he got fromanother giant four marvelous things—again byusing tricks. The four things were an invisible coat,a cap of wisdom, shoes of swiftness, and a resistless sword. When he put on his coat no eyecould see him; when he had his shoes on no one could catch up with him; his sword would cutthrough everything, and when put on his cap he knew everything he wanted to know. With thehelp of these, he destroyed all the giants.