Sleeping With Sirens - Gold 歌词

发布时间:2016-11-16 14:51

来自美国福罗里达州的Sleeping With Sirens,其人气在近几年不断飙升。主唱那高亢到恐怖的清嗓是乐团的一大亮点,而且主唱的嗓音趋于中性也是一大特点,一部分初次接触Sleeping With Sirens的人甚至不敢相信这是男性的声音。主唱的长相也不得不提,真是清秀的很,在mv里的表现也可以用惊艳来形容。

Sleeping With Sirens - Gold Lyrics

[Verse 1]

All we want, what we want is

All we want is gold

Sun sets on my

Sleeping With Sirens - Gold 歌词

Pull the windows down in the van

Lost my map on the Jersey turnpike

But it's okay we ain't looking back

All we ever want is gold

One way on this winding road


We made our mistakes

It's not too late

We had to learn the hard way

Bridges will burn

Now it's our turn

We had to learn the hard way

Because all we ever want is gold

We made our mistakes

It's not too late

We had to learn the hard way

[Verse 2]

It's two in the morning

Can't seem to find the words for a song

I remember my dreams and how fun they seem

I can't believe how far we have come

Cause all we ever want is gold

So is sixty miles on this open road



Don't lose your faith in me (Don't ever look like, don't ever look like)

It's never what it seems

[Chorus 2]

You make your mistakes

But it's never too late

We had to learn the hard way

You made your mistakes

It's not too late

You had to learn the hard way

Bridges will burn

Now it's your turn

You had to learn the hard way

Cause all we ever want is gold

All we ever want is gold (We had to learn the hard way)

All we want, what we want is

All we want is gold

All we want, what we want is

All we want is gold

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