
发布时间:2017-03-16 18:07


Movies constantly bombard us with unrealisticexpectations of love. Real life, meanwhile, tells usthat most relationships are poor, nasty, brutish, andshort. But there's no need to feel depressed aboutromance. Read on to restore your faith in love.


10.Love Despite The Distance




When Irina and Woodford McClellan got married, they never imagined it would be another 11years until they could be together.

当伊丽娜( Irina)和伍德福·德麦克莱伦(Woodford McClellan)结婚时,他们压根没想过他们在一起时已是11年后的事了。

In the early 1970s, Irina was living in Moscow working for the Institute of World Economy andInternational Relations. It was there that she met an American professor named WoodfordMcClellan. Irina and Woodford fell in love and married two years later in May 1974. Only a shortwhile later, in August, Woodford's visa expired and he had to leave the Soviet Union and returnhome.


Woodford tried to visit his wife in Moscow but was repeatedly denied entry. In turn, Irina wasdenied permission to leave the country, without explanation. The two newlyweds marked theiranniversaries with cards, photographs, and phone calls.


Over 11 years later, Irina finally received the green light to move to the United States. In lateJanuary 1986, she flew into the Baltimore-Washington International Airport. Her husband,whom she had last seen a decade ago in an airport thousands of miles away, greeted her withexcitement and open arms. Reporters there captured the heartwarming reunion, and Irinafurther captured the experience in a book—Of Love and Russia: The Eleven-Year Fight for MyHusband and Freedom


9.60 Years Of Separation



Anna Kozlov had only been a newlywed for three days when she bid her husband Boris adieu.He was off to fight in the Red Army and she would await his return—or so they thought. DuringBoris's time away from home, Stalin exiled Anna and her family to Siberia, and Anna couldn'teven leave word for her husband. Boris spent years looking for her. The two shared ahometown, but Anna was barred from visiting it, so the two completely lost contact.Anna wasso distraught that she seriously contemplated suicide. Her mother then destroyed allmementos of Boris and Anna's life together, including wedding photographs and letters. Sheeventually remarried. Boris, unbeknownst to her, did the same.

安娜·科兹洛夫(Anna Kozlov)才新婚三天就要和她的丈夫鲍里斯( Boris)分别。他离开去参加苏联红军而她会等待他归来——至少当时他们是那么想的。在鲍里斯离家期间,斯大林把安娜和她的家人流放到了西伯利亚,而安娜甚至不能给他留下一句话。鲍里斯找了她很多年。他们拥有同一个故乡但是安娜被禁止拜访,所以两个人失去了联系。安娜悲痛欲绝企图想要自杀。之后安娜的母亲烧毁了鲍里斯和她在一起的所有纪念品,包括他们的结婚照和情书。最后她再婚了。她不知道鲍里斯也再婚了。

Years passed, and both lost their spouses. And then, 60 years after Boris and Anna had said "Ido," something miraculous happened. Anna at last managed to visit their shared hometown ofBorovlyanka when she saw an elderly man in the distance. It was Boris. He'd come to the villageto pay his respects at his parents' burial site, and when he noticed Anna, he ran up to her. Intrue fairytale fashion, they had a second wedding and lived happily ever after.


8.The Notebook In Real Life



The Notebook famously tells of a woman who suffers from dementia and her husband whoreads their story to her to remind her of her life. The movie is based on a fictional romancenovel, but it didn't have to be. Jack and Phyllis Potter are the real life British version—in his early90s, Jack Potter refuses to let the love of his life slip away into the solitude of dementia.

《恋恋笔记本》极好地讲述了一个丈夫每天读故事给老年痴呆的妻子从而唤醒她的回忆的故事。这部电影是根据一本虚构的浪漫小说拍摄的,实际上根本不需要虚构,因为现实中就有这样的故事。杰克(Jack)和菲利斯·波特(Phyllis Potter)是现实生活中英国版"恋恋笔记本"。–在他九十出头的时候,杰克·波特不想让他的爱人在老年痴呆的孤独里虚度光阴。

Jack started keeping a journal when he was a child, and he kept up the practice his entire life.When Jack met Phyllis on October 4, 1941, the pages of his diary captured their romance. Jackliked Phyllis from the moment he met her, describing in his diary, "Very nice evening. Dancedwith [a] very nice girl. Hope I meet her again." A mere 16 months after that first encounter,the two were married. They lived in Kent, England for over half a century. Eventually Phyllis'sdementia took a deep hold on her life and it was too much for Jack to handle on his own. Shehad to move into a nursing home.


That didn't deter Jack. He visits her every day. And every day, he reads to her from his diaries.He reminds her of their family and pets with photographs. Through everything, Phyllis hasn'tforgotten how much she loves Jack. She's always overjoyed when he arrives to see her. Thetwo have now been married for 70 years.


7.75 Years After First Kiss



When Carol Harris starred as Sleeping Beauty in a third grade play, her co-star George Raynes"laid a big wet one on her." George was playing the prince and had just initiated his first kiss.

当卡罗尔·哈里斯(Carol Harris)在三年级的戏剧表演里扮演睡美人的时候,和她一起主演的乔治·雷恩斯(George Raynes)就吻了她。乔治扮演王子,那是他的初吻。

George moved from Saint John, New Brunswick to Toronto, Ontario after high school, where hegot married and raised a family. Decades passed, and 61 years later, he lost his wife. He decidedto revisit his old stomping grounds in Saint John, and there, Carol and George crossed pathsagain. The two hit it off and quickly became close friends. A romance blossomed, and Georgeproposed to Carol in an Ontario restaurant.Rounding out their fairytale first kiss, George toldPeople magazine that their romance was "Like Beauty and the Beast," and Carol says, "I finallyfound my Prince Charming." Amazingly, 75 years after their first kiss, they were married.

中学之后乔治就从圣约翰新布伦瑞克搬到了多伦多安大略省。在那里他结了婚生了小孩。岁月如梭,61年后,他的妻子去世了。他决定去圣约翰重访令他留恋的地方。在那里卡罗尔和乔治再次遇见。两人非常投缘很快就成为密友。渐渐地他们的爱情开花结果,乔治在一家安大略省的饭店里向卡罗尔求婚。比他们童话般的初吻更浪漫的是,乔治告诉"人物杂志"(People magazine)他们的爱情就像"美女和野兽",卡罗尔说"我终于找到了我的白马王子"。传奇般地,在他们初吻的75年后,他们结婚了。
