名词解释:农历正月十五元宵节,又称为“上元节”(Lantern Festival)、上元佳节、小正月、元夕或灯节,是春节之后的第一个重要节日,是中国亦是汉字文化圈的地区和海外华人的传统节日之一。正月是农历的元月,古人称夜为“宵”,所以把一年中第一个月圆之夜正月十五称为元宵节。你知道“元宵节”英语怎么说吗?
The Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese festival, which is on the 15th of the first month of the Chinese New Year. The festival marks the end of the celebrations of the Chinese New Year.
The important activity is watching lanterns. Lanterns of various shapes and sizes are hung in the streets, attracting countless visitors.
Yuanxiao is the special food for the Lantern Festival, which has a similar pronunciation with "tuanyuan" in Chinese, meaning reunion, harmony and happiness for the family.
文中的the Lantern Festival就是“元宵节”的意思,也可以说成Yuanxiao Festival,是春节之后的第一个重要节日,古人也称其为“上元节”。元宵节的传统活动除了吃元宵(yuaoxiao)之外,还包括赏花灯(watching lanterns)、猜灯谜(guessing lantern riddles)和看烟火(watching fireworks)等。
最后一句中的reunion是名词,意为“团圆,团聚”,如:All our kin came to the family reunion.(我们的亲属全都参加了这次家庭团聚会。)