
发布时间:2016-11-14 12:13

汉语解释:番石榴,拉丁文名:Psidium guajava Linn.桃金娘科、番石榴属乔木,高达13米;树皮平滑,灰色,片状剥落;嫩枝有棱,被毛。那么,你知道番石榴的英语怎么说吗?

番石榴[fān shí liu]


guava; psidium guajave ;


1. Lifted stone fruit and guava aromas combine with butterscotch of malolactic.


2. The clarification of guava juice by chitosan was studied.




3. South American tree having fruIt'similar to the true guava.


4. Guava also rich in fiber which helps prevent constipation.


5. It also is present in tomatoes, red and pink grapefruit and guava.

番茄红素还存在于西红柿 、 红色或粉红色的葡萄柚以及生长于热带的番石榴中.

1. Lifted stone fruit and guava aromas combine with butterscotch of malolactic. 核果和番石榴的芳香,与奶油糖果的果酸交织融合.

2. The clarification of guava juice by chitosan was studied. 研究了壳聚糖对番石榴汁澄清效果.

3. South American tree having fruIt'similar to the true guava. 南美树种,果实类似于番石榴.

4. Guava also rich in fiber which helps prevent constipation. 番石榴还含有大量的纤维素,能防止便秘.

5. It also is present in tomatoes, red and pink grapefruit and guava. 番茄红素还存在于西红柿 、 红色或粉红色的葡萄柚以及生长于热带的番石榴中.

6. Refrigerationcould extend the storing period of guava fruit affectively. 冷藏可有效延长珍珠番石榴的贮藏期.

7. Guavas, watermelon and pink grapefruit are also foods rich in lycopene. 番石榴 、 西瓜和粉橙这些食物也富含番茄红素.

8. How about some guavas, and star fruit? 买点番石榴和洋桃好 吗 ?

9. Azaleas and guavas are propagated by this method. 杜鹃和番石榴都用这种方式繁殖.

10. We are picking guavas from the trees. 我们正在摘番石榴.

11. These include citrus zest, apricot and tangerine with hints of pawpaw, guavaand tobacco. 会让人感觉到嘴里充满柑橘, 杏仁,番木瓜, 番石榴还有烟草的气息.

12. The antibacterial activity of the extract from Psidium againstbacteria wasstudied by disk diffusion method. 采用纸片扩散法对番石榴叶提取物进行体外抗菌试验研究,以了解其抗菌谱.

13. OBJECTIVE To study human leukocyte elastase ( HLE ) inhibitorconstituents from Psidium guajava L. 目的研究番石榴叶中的人白细胞弹性蛋白酶 ( HLE ) 抑制剂成分.

14. Bouquet: Zing with intense aromas of passionfruit mingled with eleganthoneysuckle and a smokey mineral character. 气味: 芳香扑鼻,有活跃而香浓的番石榴味,以及优雅的金银花和烟熏矿物的香味.

15. For fruit juice , I prefer either guava or grapefruit because they are not toosweet. 果汁方面, 我不是选番石榴,就是选葡萄柚,因为它们不太甜.

16. Instead of the thornbush will grow the tree, and instead of briers the myrtlewill grow. 松树长出代替荆棘.番石榴长出代替蒺藜.

17. Objective To investigate the antidiarrheal mechanism of quercetin extractedfrom Psidium guajava L. 目的研究番石榴叶提取物槲皮素止泻的作用机制.
