
发布时间:2016-11-16 13:42

大学英语六级听力考试的一项重要的改革就是在原来的基础上增加了长对话题目的测试。长对话题目的设置符合四、六级改革的目标方向,旨在考查考生在实际的日常环境中运用语言的能力。长对话共设两篇,每篇后设有3 — 4 个题目,共7 题,对话的长度约为7 — 10 个循环,每篇对话的长度为200 — 300 词。长对话的录音材料用标准的英式或美式英语朗读,语速约为每分钟150词,难度与短文听力相似。每个题目提问完毕之后到下一个题目开始之前,有13秒的时间间隔供考生迅速作出正确答案的选择。


1、如何听懂?(Roger that !so much for it !)

① 注意英音、美音:

a、元音的问题:class 英音/a/;美音/ae/

b、辅音的问题:辅音浊化——开音节:元+辅+元,清→浊matter 英音/t/;美音/d/

eg:What’s the matter with you?

c、儿化音的问题:first 英音/fɜrst/;美音/fɜːst/

② 注意连读:

a、辅音结尾+元音开头:as it is

b、辅音结尾+辅音开头:(第二个辅音发音)big girl

③ 注意语音、语调:


eg:M:Mary ,you know what ?Only one person in the class got an A on the test, you.

W:Alright !(=great !)

eg:W:To even say I love you !

M:You! I love you so much! (=I hate you !)


① 小词:do /come /make /take /pick /catch /beat 等常用动词

eg:It’s so hot !I can’t stand(忍受) it .(“小词”——stand ;take ;“大词”——tolerate ;endure )

eg:Beat it !(=快躲;快闪)Beat around the bush (=pointless 拐弯抹角;空泛其谈)Beat the crowd (=避开人群)

eg:W:Come on ,let’s take a brake .

M:Good idea,I’m beat .(=精疲力竭的)

=I’m really exhausted.

=I’m just running out of my steam.


※ 尽量多的掌握单词和短语的含义!

② 短语:turn down(=关小,降低,拒绝)

eg:Cecia ,turn down the music ,will you ?(=关小,降低)

Bob, turn down the job.(=refuse 拒绝)

Pick up (=捡起,接人,购买,领/取/拿,学会)


① 听场景:(图书馆自习、考试、做作业、抄作业、购物、锻炼……)

△ campus life 校园场景是听力对话的最大场景!

② 听规律:

a、买票一定被售空 b、足球赛一定很精彩 c、男生不爱古典音乐 d、出去野炊一定下雨

e、等人一定等不到 f、借钱借车总不给借

eg:W:I need one hundred dollars badly . But you know, I don’t know where to get it.

M:If I had money in spare ,you know ,I’ll be happy to lend it to you .






① 十几和几十的发音: eg:fourteen /forty

② 注意大数字: eg:six hundred and eighty seven million ,four hundred and nine thousand ,two hundred and thirty four = 687,409,234

③ 打折问题: eg:discount 打折;on sale 促销;20 percent off 打八折;clearance 清仓;rebate让利、返券


① 星期的说法: Monday /Tuesday /Wednesday /Thursday /Friday /Saturday /Sunday /week

② 超前/准时/推迟: in advance /ahead of time 提前;be on time / on schedule 准时;be late /postpone /delay /put off 推迟


☆ 详见下一节


eg:What is the speaker’s occupation ?(teacher /student ……)


eg:What is the relationship between the two speakers ?(teacher and student /customer and waiter /waitress ……)


eg:M:How about dinner out tonight ?How about our Chinatown?

W:Ok !But, they don’t have good seafood.

※ But 后面往往为正确答案!


eg:M:It’s funny ,it seems that you Americans are married to(嫁给)your cars .

W:Yep ,apparently most America families have two or three or more cars ,and air condition is becoming more and more serious ,and our nation is becoming a big highway .

Q:What are they talking about ?

Key:Americans and their dependence on cars . △ 迅速纵看选项

※ 如果所有选项都为名词或名词性的表达时,那么此题很可能是中心思想题!(此时重点听第一个人说的话)


eg:keep fit 保持健康;lose weight 减肥;gain/put on weight 反弹;heavy 肥胖;overweight 超重;be on diet 节食;Cycling 竟技单车;Tour de France 环法;jogging 慢跑;hiking 郊游远足;trekking 冒险远足;camping 露营;camper 露营者/野营车;surfing 冲浪;ex-games 极限运动;roller skating 滚轴溜冰;skateboarding 滑板运动;skiing 滑雪运动;bungee jumping 蹦极跳;bowling 打保龄球;Golf 高尔夫
