
发布时间:2016-11-19 13:04

摘要: 日本名古屋市的市长河村隆之近日发表言论公然否认南京大屠杀的存在,南京市政府宣布暂停与名古屋市政府的官方交往。你知道怎么用英语表达暂停官方交往吗?

Nagoya Mayor Takashi Kawamura's refusal to take back his denial of the Nanjing Massacre has increased tension between the two cities, with the Chinese city declaring on Tuesday that it wouldsuspend official contacts with its sister city in Japan.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei expressed support for Nanjing's decision at a regular news conference on Wednesday.





“暂停官方交往”在文中的表述是suspend official contacts,也可以说成suspend ties,如suspend ties with Nagoya(与名古屋暂停交往)。如果是“断绝外交关系”或“断交”,英文可以说成break off diplomatic relationship或cut ties。
