
发布时间:2017-03-21 11:31



No, this brush is not a mind-reader in the psychic sense. What it does is take precise measurements of the levels of neurological activity in a brain.


Technology already exists to track your mental activity. It’s called functional near infraredspectroscopy (fNIRS), which images blood flowing through the brain and measures the difference of levels of oxygen in the blood in order to evaluate mental activity.


But it has a major drawback: it’s usually impaired by hair.


That’s why researchers at the University of Texas at Dallas and University of Texas at Arlington have been working on a device that is essentially a hairbrush that can measure and monitor brain activity.


The device is officially known as a “brush optrode,” which uses that same fNIRS technology, but in a way no other device has been able to up to this point. It’s designed to provide increased sensitivity with fiber tips that thread through hair to increase direct scalp contact. The technique is much more accurate when its sensors can actually touch the scalp.


Duncan MacFarlane is a professor of electrical engineering at the University of Texas at Dallas, and one of the lead researchers on this project. He says, “It is easy for a patient’s hair to get in the way and block the signal” with conventional fNIRS technology. “So we developed a new tip for the fNIRS fibers-a brush optrode that slides the fibers between the hair follicles. Signal levels increase three- to five-fold, and patients report that the brush optrode is considerably more comfortable than the conventional fiber ends.”



Humans are not the only species to prefer to use their right hand-chimpanzees also share the trait, according to a new study by Spanish scientists.


The researchers reached their findings, published in the latest edition of the American Journal of Primatology, after observing 114 chimpanzees from two primate rescue centers, one in Spain and the other in Zambia.

这项最新研究发表在美国期刊《灵长类动物学》上。科学家们是通过对两个灵长类动物救助中心里的114 只大猩猩进行观察而得出这一结论的。这两个救助中心一个在西班牙,一个在赞比亚。

The primates were provided with food hidden inside tubes and the scientists monitored them to see which hand they used to get at it, either their fingers or with the help of tools.


“The chimpanzees showed a preferential use of the right hand to get the food from the tube,” the Catalan Institute of Human Palaeoecology and Social Evolution, which coordinated the study, said in a statement. “This feature had traditionally been considered exclusively human and had been believed to be caused by asymmetries observed in the human brain that are related to the realization of complicated activities that require the use and coordination of both hands.”

大猩猩偏好用右手取食物,” 协助这项研究的加泰隆尼亚古生态学和社会发展研究所在报告中称。“使用右手一直以来被认为是人类独有的特点,这个特点是由于人类左右脑发展不平衡造成的。人类为了完成复杂的活动,往往需要两手并用。”

The study also found that female chimpanzees, like their human counterparts, are more likely to be right-handed than males.


The researchers said this suggests “that just like in our species, there are shared biological factors, genetic and hormonal, that modulate the functioning of our brain.”







