
发布时间:2017-03-15 06:54


中文:中秋节[zhōng qiū jié]

中秋节的英语:Mid-Autumn Festival; Moon Festival; Mooncake Festival; Zhongqiu Festival;



The Mid-Autumn Festival is peculiar to China.


Moon cakes were special festival food.




Moon gazing is another essential part of this festival.


This festival is to celebrate the havast and to enjoy the beautiful moon light.


Today people will enjoy the full moon and eat moon cakes on that day.


And the moon is what this celebration is all about.


The round shape of moon and moon cakes also shows that it is a time for family reunion.

中秋节这一天人们都要吃月饼以示“团圆”月饼, 中秋节这一天人们都要吃月饼以示“团圆”。

On the Mid-Autumn Festival , people have to eat moon cake to show "Reunion."


The Mid-Autumn Festival is the Chinese traditional festival in autumn.


We eat star fruit and moon cake during the mid-autumn festival.

1. The Dragon Boat Festival is one of three major Chinese holidays, along with the Spring and Moon Festivals. 端午节是三个中国主要节日之一,另两个是春节和中秋节 。

2. The Mid Autumn Festival is drawing near. 中秋节 快到了.

3. Well, there are Dragon Boat Festival, Mid - autumn Festival , Chung YeungFestival and so on. 嗯, 还有端午节 、 中秋节 、 重阳节等等.

4. Would you like to come over to my home for Mid - Autumn Festival ? 你愿意来我家过 中秋节 吗 ?

5. Interesting! So Mid - Autumn Festival is in the middle of Autumn? 真有趣. 那么 中秋节 便一定是发生在秋天中间 吧 ?

6. Mid - Autumn Festival , Chong Yang Festival and so on. 中秋节 、 重阳节等等.

7. Litterbugs dropped 159 tonnes of rubbish during last year's Mid - AutumnFestival. 垃圾虫在去年 中秋节 后遗下159公吨垃圾.

8. I wish a happy Mid - Autumn Festival , one more round full moon! 祝 中秋节 快乐, 月圆人更圆!

9. The food made of flour and various seasonings is called moon cake. 中秋节 的食品也是圆圆的,也象征着团圆,这种用面和各种作料做的食品叫月饼.

10. Moon cakes and lanterns are the highlights of the festival. 月饼和灯笼是中秋节 的主角.

11. August 15 and in the autumn the middle, so the Autumn Festival. 八月十五恰在秋季的中间, 故谓之中秋节 .

12. Why do Chinese people eat mooncakes on Autumn Day? 为什以中国人中秋节 要吃月饼?

13. The Mid - Autumn Festival has arrived. I already eaten a hundred MoodCakes. 中秋节 快到了,我已经吃了快一百个饼了.

14. Thank you for telling me about the Mid - Autumn Festival. 42谢谢你告诉我关于 中秋节 的事.

15. Mid - Autumn Festival , Changsha Qiulao Hu's even had a hot summerseason. 中秋节 之后, 长沙的秋老虎甚至热过了盛夏季节.

16. The teacher asked the children to some poems about the Mid - AutumnFestival. 老师要求孩子们编写关于 中秋节 的诗.

17. The Mid - Autumn Festival The - Autumn is a very important Chinese festival. 中秋节 是中国一个很重要的节日,在八月十五号.

18. Mooncakes are to Mid - Autumn Festival what mince pies are to Christmas. 中秋节 吃月饼就像西方人圣诞节吃百果馅饼一样,是必不可少的.

19. My favorite part of Mid - Autumn Festival is eating mooncakes! 中秋节 我最喜欢的事就是吃月饼!

20. Our Mid - autumn Festival is on August 15 th in Chinese lunar calendar. 我们的 中秋节 是中国的农历八月十五.
