
发布时间:2017-03-16 15:58

以下是小编整理的情感类英语美文欣赏:满载而归, 希望对你有所感触。



成千上万在美国学习过的中国人是中国快速改革经济的生力军。 随着改革的成功进行,受过西方教育的中国人开始寻求高级政府工作。 留学生回国最大的影响在于加快中国的开放步伐,引入更多的新观念。 归国的留学生可能会对未来中国的发展产生重大影响。

[1]Edward Tian said good-bye to Lubbock, Tex., hispickup truck, horseback riding, and seven years ofstudying broom snakeweed to return to Beijing in1995. He took home a Texas Tech University doctorate in range management and a smallInternet software company that he co-founded in Dallas. Now the company, Asia info, has $50million in annual sales and 400 employees and is building much of China’s Internet backbone. “Iwanted to do something to change people’s lives in the next five years, not the next 200years,” says Tian, now 35.

[1]爱德华·田告别了得克萨斯州拉伯克市,告别了他的轻型小货车,告别了纵马驰骋的时光,告别研究了7年的金雀花属蛇草专业,于1995年回到北京。他带回来的不仅有得州理工大学牧场管理学博士学位,还有一个小型互联网软件公司棗亚洲信息公司(Asia info)。这是他与别人合伙在达拉斯创立的。目前该公司的年销售额已高达5000万美元,拥有400名雇员,并且在中国因特网的发展中成为骨干力量。今年35岁的田博士说:“我想做些具体事来尽快改变人们的生活水平,力争在未来5年之内而不是未来漫长的200年。”

[2]Tens of thousands of Chinese who studied in the U.S. have the same idea. Mostly in their30s and 40s, they are the new dynamos in China’s fast-reforming economy. Many, like Tian, arestarting entrepreneurial companies. Some are running economics departments at majorChinese schools. Others are advising banks, stock markets, and government ministries how toadapt to the global economy.


3]The returnees come back with much more than salable skills. They have a grasp of how theoutside world works that stay-at-home Chinese don’t. Massachusetts Institute of Technologydoctoral physicist Charles Zhang, 33, for example, is trying to steer Beijing away from theheavy-handed state planning used by South Korea and Japan. “The entrepreneurial, market-driven approach is what makes good technology,” he says.


[4]Furthermore, Zhang and people like him open new private channels between the U.S. andChina. His company, Internet Technologies China Inc., is a gateway into China for U.S. andother foreign companies. Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Motorola, and Ericsson, for instance, alladvertise on ITC’s Web site, one of the most popular in China with 280,000 hits per day.

[4]此外,张朝阳以及许多像他那样的人正在开拓中美之间新的民间沟通渠道。张朝阳的公司“爱特信公司”(Internet Technologies China)是美国和其他外国公司进入中国的门户之一。微软、惠普、摩托罗拉和爱立信等公司都在爱特信网页上刊登广告。爱特信公司的网页已成为中国最受欢迎的网页之一,每日访问者达28万人次。

[5]Even more important, outfits such as Zhang’s are a promising new way of piping foreigninvestment into China. Traditionally, such inflows have been filtered through clumsy and one-sided joint ventures in which foreigners have few rights. ITC, however, was set up with$225,000 in seed money from MIT professors, including Nicholas Negro Ponte, foundingdirector of the MIT Media Laboratory and co-founder of Wired magazine. Zhang received $2million more investment from Intel Corp. And other U.S. companies in March.


[6]China needs more than entrepreneurial drive, however. Rebuilding the superstructure of amodern market economy is essential. Returnees such as former New York Stock Exchangeeconomist Wang Boming, 42, are key architects in the restoration. For a fraction of his WallStreet salary, he joined a team to set up China’s new stock exchanges in 1988. These days, heis a publisher “trying to educate people how to manage their wealth.”


[7]As reforms succeed, Western-educated Chinese will start to move into senior governmentjobs. Zhang Xiang, 57, armed with a PhD in economics from New York’s Columbia University,became vice-minister at the Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation Ministry this year. Hemay be able to avoid Sino-U.S. misunderstandings.


[8]The returnees’ biggest impact may be in opening up China to a flow of new ideas. U.S.-minted doctoral economists are remaking China’s university departments. Leading the way isBeijing University’s prestigious China Center for Economic Research. The Center’s influenceextends far beyond its campus. Faculty, all Western-educated, are favorite invitees to panelsdebating economic policy. “We try to provide an independent view to Chinese leaders,” saysDeputy Director Hai Wen, 46, a University of California at Davis alum.


[9]Those from the the classes of 1998 and onward who do go home could have a dramaticimpact on China’s future. Their predecessors are getting things started, but they need all thehelp they can get.

