
发布时间:2017-05-17 15:00



简单易懂的小学英语笑话带翻译:A Careless Barber 粗心的理发员

Barber: Were you wearing a red scarf when you came in? Customer: No. Barber: Oh, then I must have cut your throat. 理发员:你进来时是不是系着红围巾? 顾客:没有呀。 理发员:噢,那我肯定弄破了你的喉咙。

简单易懂的小学英语笑话带翻译:I Had to Change It Twice 不得不换两次

Judge: I don't understand why you broke into the same store three nights in a row.

Prisoner: Well, Your Honor, I picked out a dress for my wife, and I had to change it twice because she didn't like the style.



简单易懂的小学英语笑话带翻译:The Bald Guy 秃头老先生

One day, he went out hunting with some friends. A strong wind suddenly blew his wig off. When his friends saw what had happened, they started laughing so hard that they could not stop.

The bald guy started laughing, too, and just as loudly as the other men. He said to his friends, “How can I expect my fake hair to stay on my head when even my real hair won’t stay there?”



简单易懂的小学英语笑话带翻译:A Brain Transplant 政治家的大脑

The Brain Surgeon was about to perform a brain transplant. You have your choice of two brains, he told the patient, For $1000 you can have the brain of a psychologist, or for $10,000 you can have the brain of a politician. The patient was amazed at the huge difference in price. Is the brain of a politician that much better? he asked. The Brain Surgeon replied, No, it’s not better, just unused. 一个外科医生正要作一个脑移植手术。 你可以从两个脑子中选一个给你。医生告诉病人,一个心理学家的大脑1000美元,一个政治家的大脑10000美元。 病人很惊讶二者之间这样大的差别,政治家的大脑好一些吗?他问。 医生说:不是好一些,只是没有用过。

简单易懂的小学英语笑话带翻译:What Does Want to Borrow 他到底想借什么

Mr. Johnson: Are you using you mower this afternoon?

Mr.Smith: Yes.

Mr.Johnson: Fine. Then can I borrow your tennis racket, since you won't be needing it?



