
发布时间:2016-12-01 22:49





Give the synonym and antonym of this word. 给出这个词的同义词和反义词。

Each of these rows will start with a different synonym. 每一个这些行将使用不同的同义词开头。

For ease of use, we define a keyword synonym that displays the customer name,but stores only the number. 为使用方便,我们定义了一个关键字同义词,它显示客户名称,但是仅存储客户编号。

The basic extension contains very simple elements: one word and, of course, anew synonym. 基本扩展包含非常简单的元素:一个词,当然还有一个新的同义词。

Examples of additional query options are settings such as whether to returnspelling suggestions or to include synonym expansions in the query results. 附加查询选项的实例是一些设置,例如是否在查询结果中返回拼写建议或包含同义词扩展。

Organizing information by list, synonym, facet, and thesaurus are four commonways that have proven to be effective. 按列表、同义词、方面和词典组织信息是四种已证明有效的常用方法。

To make the new annotations available with keyword search, the synonymdictionary for this collection must be extended. 为了让关键字搜索可以使用新的注释,必须扩展这个集合的同义词词典。

In this section you can create a new synonym, set filter to the tables, orexport/copy the synonyms. 在这个部分可以创建新的同义词、设置表过滤器或导出/复制同义词。

Everyone wants to be on the side of equality or, to use a synonym, parity. 每一个人都想支持平等或用一个同义词来说就是平权。

In XML documents you need to refer to people, places, and things with inter-relationships ranging from general to more specific, part and kind, and synonymand antonym. 在XML文档中,需要通过各种相互关系指代人、地点和事件,从一般的关系到更加具体的关系、作用和种类、同义词和反义词。




Give the synonym and antonym of this word.


Synonym and antonym relations are symmetric relationships as well.


Give the synonym and antonym of this word. 给出这个词的同义词和反义词。

In this sense, the antonym of libido is destrudo. 在这个意义上,力比多的反义词是死亡本能。

In XML documents you need to refer to people, places, and things with inter-relationships ranging from general to more specific, part and kind, and synonymand antonym. 在XML文档中,需要通过各种相互关系指代人、地点和事件,从一般的关系到更加具体的关系、作用和种类、同义词和反义词。

The antonym of ‘betrayal’ is ‘loyalty’ or ‘allegiance.’ "背叛"的反义词是"忠诚"或"效忠"。

For instance, writable and writeable are synonyms, and read only is an antonymfor these—that is, read only = Yes is equivalent to writable = No. 例如,writable和writeable是同义词,而readonly是这些的反义词 — 也就是说,readonly =Yes等同于writable =No。

ETS also was planning substantive changes such as eliminating antonym andanalogy questions and emphasizing more critical reading. ETS过去还计划对GRE考试其它方面的内容作出一些重大修改,比如取消反义词和类推题以及加大阅读判断部分的内容等。

Plaintiff is an antonym of defendant. 原告是被告的反义字。

Listen and write the antonym of the adjective in the sentence you hear. 听句子,写出你所听到的句子中的形容词的反义词。

"Temporary" is the antonym of "permanent". 临时的反义词是永久的。

The change of the system of monosyllable includes the change of the system ofsynonym and antonym. 单音词系统的变化和调整主要包括同义词系统和反义词系统的变化。

Synonym and antonym relations are symmetric relationships as well. 同义词和反义词关系也是对称关系。

You will see a list of words with the same meaning and at the bottom, a word withan opposite meaning marked with "Antonym". 您将会看到一个清单的话具有相同的意义和底部,一个字一个相反的意思注明“反义词”。

Please give a synonym and antonym for this word. 请说出这个词的同义词和反义词。

This topic according to "Xinshu" the antonym research results, carries on theadjustment to the correlation items , I hope it can help the revision of "Hanyu DaCidian" . 本课题根据《新书》反义词的研究成果,对相关条目进行校正,希望能为《汉语大词典》的修订起到增砖添瓦之功。

The paper tries to study the asymmetry of antonym in Chinese from theperspective of lexical semantics and on the basic of markedness theory. 本文尝试从词汇语义学的角度,以标记理论为基础,研究汉语反义词中的不对称现象。

Learning an antonym for each new word can help you increase your vocabulary.学习的反义词为每个新词可以帮助您增加您的词汇。

"Temporary" is the antonym of "permanent". “暂时”是“永久”的反义词。

The active part of one pair of antonym of quantitative adjective is unmarked whilethe negative part marked in most cases. 指出在量度形容词的一对反义词中,积极成分在多数情况下是无标记的,而消极成分则是有标记的;

Learning an antonym for each new word can help you increase your vocabulary.学习新词的反义词也可以扩展你的词汇量。

Replace: My general is replaced here basically is to weigh synonym and antonymand relevant statement to tell. 替换:这里我将替换主要是重同义词和反义词以及相关词去讲。
