
发布时间:2017-03-17 09:47

汉语解释:章鱼(学名:Octopus vulgaris),属于软体动物门头足纲八腕目,为章鱼科章鱼属(Octopoda)动物的总称。因其头上长有八腕,且腕间有膜相连,长短不一,腕上具有2行无柄的吸盘,所以称作“八腕类”。是海洋动物,不属于鱼类。想知道章鱼的英文怎么说吗?

章鱼[zhāng yú]


octopus ; [电影]Le poulpe

网 络octopus;Tako;kato;devilfish



Snails and octopuses are molluscs.


Organizers posed for pictures as they slurped down tentacles.




An octopus has a soft body and eight arms.


An octopus catches food with its arms.


One octopus has eight tentacles.


Octopuses are to be found in almost every ocean of the world.


Fishermen blasted officials after octopus prices plummeted.


There he found an octopus taking a nap.

1. He experienced nausea after eating octopus. 吃了章鱼 后他感到恶心.

2. Fishes, crabs, octopus, are part of nekton. 鱼类 、 蟹类 、 章鱼 都是自游动物的组成部分.

3. Snails and octopuses are molluscs. 蜗牛和章鱼 是软体动物.

4. Have you ever tasted octopus? 你吃过章鱼 吗 ?

5. One octopus has eight tentacles. 一条章鱼 有八根触角.

6. I don't like the texture of octopus. 我不喜欢咬嚼章鱼 时的感觉.

7. Limpets, snails and octopuses are mollusks. 帽贝 、 蜗牛和章鱼 都是软体动物.

8. You would not be able to understand why some people find it repulsive. 同时不能理解为什么有人一见章鱼 就恶心.

9. More and more of his friends had gone to see the Great Manta. 他的朋友中愈来愈多人去观看大章鱼 .

10. What do you do when a live octopus gets stuck in your throat? 要是一只章鱼 卡在你的喉咙里你会怎么办?

11. Place wasn't known for devils, though. It was known for octopus. 但是这地方并不是以恶魔闻名而是因为章鱼 .

12. Other hunters, like this octopus, are also attracted to the crustacean feast. 其他捕猎者, 如这只章鱼 , 也同样对这个盛宴感兴趣.

13. An octopus has a soft body and eight arms. 章鱼 有着柔软的身体和八支臂.

14. And the octopus relies as much on its tentacles to get around. 章鱼 依靠其触须四处游走.

15. Octopuses vary greatly in size the smallest about 5 cm long. 章鱼 大小差异极为显著,最小的只有5厘米长.

16. Other They eat other fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and octopus. 它们吃其他的鱼类 、 甲壳类 、 软体动物和章鱼 .

17. An octopus coiled around its enemy with its tentacles. 一只章鱼 用腕足卷住了敌人.

18. To her, it looked like the ink of an octopus. 对她来说, 那就像章鱼 的墨汁一样.

19. I really hope I have eight arms and legs, like an octopus. 我真希望自己有八只胳膊和腿, 像章鱼 一样.

20. They went to the Outdoor pool and saw a big octopus. 在那之后,他们到了室外的水族池,看到了一只很大个的章鱼 .
