
发布时间:2016-11-16 14:19

伊丽莎白·泰勒(Elizabeth Taylor),1932年2月27日出生在英国伦敦,美国影视演员。1942年,九岁的伊丽莎白·泰出演了自己的第一部电影喜剧片《There's One Born Every Minute》[1] 。1943年,泰勒与米高梅签约。1944年,12岁的她主演了《玉女神驹》[1] 。1949年,伊丽莎白·泰勒作为女主角与蒙哥马利·克利夫特联袂主演了电影《郎心如铁》[2] 。1956年主演《岳父大人》[3] 。从1957年至1959年,她以《战国佳人》、《朱门巧妇》及《夏日惊魂》三度获得奥斯卡提名。1961年,她凭借在《青楼艳妓》中的表演获第33届奥斯卡最佳女主角。1963年,泰勒主演的《埃及艳后》上映[4] 。1967年,她凭《灵欲春宵》获第39届奥斯卡最佳女主角[5] 。1992年,泰勒获得奥斯卡赫肖尔特人道主义奖[6] 。2005年,伊丽莎白·泰勒获得了英国影视艺术学院颁发的终身成就奖[7] 。2011年3月23日,伊丽莎白·泰勒因心脏衰竭去世,享年79岁。

伊丽莎白·泰勒生平英文简介:Dame Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor, DBE (27 February 1932 – 23 March 2011), also known as Liz Taylor, was an English-American actress. A former child star, she grew to be known for her acting talent and beauty, as well as her Hollywood lifestyle, including many marriages. Taylor was considered one of the great actresses of Hollywood's golden age. The American Film Institute named Taylor seventh on its Female Legends list.

Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor was born in Hampstead, a wealthy district of North West London, the second child of Francis Lenn Taylor (1897–1968) and Sara Viola Warmbrodt (1895–1994), who were Americans residing in England.

At the age of three, Taylor began taking ballet lessons with Vaccani. Shortly before the beginning of World War II, her parents decided to return to the United States to avoid hostilities.


Taylor appeared in her first motion picture at the age of nine in There's One Born Every Minute, her only film for Universal Pictures. Less than six months after she signed with Universal, her contract was reviewed by Edward Muhl, the studio's production chief.

Taylor had a passion for jewelry. She was a client of well-known jewelry designer, Shlomo Moussaieff. Over the years she owned a number of well-known pieces.


Taylor was married eight times to seven husbands:

* Conrad "Nicky" Hilton (6 May 1950 – 29 January 1951) (divorced)

* Michael Wilding (21 February 1952 – 26 January 1957) (divorced)

* Michael Todd (2 February 1957 – 22 March 1958) (widowed)

* Eddie Fisher (12 May 1959 – 6 March 1964) (divorced)

* Richard Burton (15 March 1964 – 26 June 1974) (divorced)

* Richard Burton (10 October 1975 – 29 July 1976) (divorced)

* Note: between 1975 and 1976, Taylor was the companion to the Iranian ambassador to Washington, Ardeshir Zahedi. They were dubbed "the hottest couple", and both divorced their significant others during their relationship. Taylor even traveled with him to Tehran for a time. Shah Reza Pahlavi convinced Zahedi to end his relationship with Taylor.

* John Warner (4 December 1976 – 7 November 1982) (divorced)

* Larry Fortensky (6 October 1991 – 31 October 1996) (divorced)

伊丽莎白·泰勒一直被看做是美国电影史上最具有好莱坞色彩的人物,惯有“好莱坞常青树”和“世界头号美人”之称,尤其以一双漂亮的蓝紫色眼睛(violet eyes)闻名于世。由童星成长起来的她貌美如花,她可以清纯,可以高雅,也可以妖艳,她的魅力、演技使她夺得3次奥斯卡奖,曾经的放纵,也使她显得肥胖和衰老。她的美貌、她的电影、她的丈夫……使得半个多世纪以来的她始终是媒体追逐的目标。她仿佛是浓缩了的好莱坞样本:艺术、美貌、金钱、爱情和注定要失败的婚姻。2000年被英国女王授予爵士勋章,表彰她对电影事业作出的非凡贡献。目前,她投身于慈善事业,致力于防治艾滋病的公益事业。

伊丽莎白·泰勒是真正的影星:紫罗兰颜色的眼睛光彩照人,充满活力。尽管她不是最有天赋的演员,她却是最迷人的演员,她无与伦比的魅力永远是焦点所在。很少有人能够如此受到爱慕,同时又如此成为奚落的对象和影射与闲言碎语的标地。在她身后,无数人声名鹊起,又归于孤寂,而泰勒的魅力却长久不衰。名利是她活力的源泉,公众目光是她永远的侍从。她从不知适可而止,对她来说,要么万人之上,要么一文不名。相对媒体而言,泰勒的成功(两获奥斯卡金像奖,一获奥斯卡人道主义奖,第一个薪水百万美元的演员,众多的慈善工作)、失败(健康、体重、 药品治疗及其他的悲剧)抑或是难堪(八次失败的婚姻,电影灾难,无数的丑闻),都已经不仅仅是她一个人的事情了。
