
发布时间:2017-03-20 12:20



31.They sat together around the table, with (门关着).(shut)

【答案】the door shut

32.I haven’t the slightest idea (他正在说什么).(talk)

【答案】(of) what he‘s talking about

34.Last night, John was answering the letters that (寄给他的) during the past two weeks.(arrive)

【答案】had arrived for him

35.He believes that children (应允许……学习) at their own pace.(allow)

【答案】should (ought to/must) be allowed to learn (study)


36.She has an excellent (对名字的记忆力), which helps her quite a lot in her work.( memory)

【答案】memory for names

37. (他是否出过国)doesn‘t make much difference.(he, abroad)

【答案】Whether he has been abroad or not

38.The factory‘s output of cars this year is (大约是去年的三倍).(as, great)

【答案】about three times as great as that of last year

39.Not only(要帮助)the disabled to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for those who need it.(give)

【答案】will help be given to

40.It is possible that the King of Stonehenge was linked to the stones: he (可能参与) in planning the monument, or in helping transport and pull up the stones.(hand)

【答案】may (might/could) have had a hand


31. (最长的三条河流)in the world are the Niles, the Amazon, and the Changjiang River. (long)

【答案】The three longest rivers

32. Seldom (他们玩)video games ever since they entered college. (play)

【答案】have they played

33. The city (我成长的)is very hot and damp in summer. (grow)

【答案】in which/where I grew up

34. (我花了)one thousand dollars to buy the painting last week. (cost)

【答案】It cost me

35. I fell so sick. I wish Mum (没有逼我)to eat so much. (force)

【答案】hadn’t forced me

36. —You’d better go and (把你的轿车洗洗). --No, I’ll do it myself. (wash)

【答案】have/get your car washed

37. With the rapid development of science and technology, I can’t imagine (我的家乡会是什么样子)in ten years. (what)

【答案】What my hometown will be/look like

38. It is your efforts, not your intelligence, (决定)your success. (determine)

【答案】that determine

39. He looks sleepy. He must (熬夜了)last night, writing the essay. (stay)

【答案】have stayed up

40. At present, lots of food, water, tents, and medicine (正在运往)from all over China and other parts of the world to the earthquake-stricken areas. (transport)

【答案】are being transported


71. (多亏了)her assistance ,we succeeded in starting the engine.(turn)

【答案】Owing to

72.When you are finished with the electric iron,don’t forget (关掉它).(turn)

【答案】to turn it off

73.During his last lecture,the scientist (觉得)casier to explain the theory to those with some background knowledge.(find)

【答案】found it/ found(that it was

74. (获得奖学金) gave Martin the chance to go to a college in one of the northern states.(win)

【答案】Winning a scholarship

75. If times (变了),have our ways of thinking changed too?(change)

【答案】have changed

76. At the award ceremony,Mr.Jackson said,‖for me ,there has been (没有更大的回报)than your support.‖(great)

【答案】no greater reward/ no reward greater

77. (任何计划了的事)is sure to change as oe puts it into practice.(whatever)

【答案】Whatever one has planned/ Whatever has been planned

78. Such knowledge is still useful (当应用) to similar situations in other countries.(when)

【答案】when(it is)applied

79. After circling around the earth for three days,Shenzhou Spaceship received the command from the ground that (它着陆)as scheduled the next day.(land)


80. Learning strategies, to (老师们认为) importance, have not yet drawn enough attention of students.(attach)

【答案】which(the)teachers attach/ have attached


71. Only if people of a11 the countries are united (我们才能解决)the existing problems in the world. (solve)

【答案】can we solve/will we be able to solve

72. ____________(油漆成)red,the building stands out among the rest and looks very attractive. (paint)

【答案】Painted/Having been painted

73. ____________(不会用)a computer makes it more difficult for him to do his academic research. (use)

【答案】Not being able to use/ Being unable use/ Not knowing how to use

74. The news _____________(房价将要下跌)has caused many people to sell their houses at lower prices. (fall)

【答案】that house prices will fall

75. After she completes the project,she‘ll have (没什么要担心的). (worry)

【答案】nothing no worry about/no more worries

76. Mr. Johnson insisted that the problem worthy of attention _____________(讨论)at the meeting. (discuss)

【答案】(should) be discussed

77. My mother was so proud of all _____________(我所做的)that she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing.(do)

【答案】(that) I had done

78. Last night’s 9 TV news said that by then the death of the missing people ___________ (未证实)yet. (prove)

【答案】had not been proved

79. It’s said that they have swum to the island from the continent, but they ____________ (不可能做到)because the ocean in between is too wide. (do)

【答案】can’t/ couldn’t have done it/ so/ that/ this

80. (正如我们强调的那样)many times, “serve the people” is our first policy. (stress)

【答案】As we have stressed/ As has been stressed


71. Not until two days after the earthquake (她发现)her mother alive. (find)

【答案】did she find

72. (没有必要)call me when you arrive. Just come up to my house. I'll be at home all day. (there)

【答案】There is/ will be no need to

73. It was cold and dumpty the man pulled up his collar and put his hands to his (冻僵了的脸). (freeze)

【答案】frozen face

74. (把钥匙握在手上), he looked for them everywhere. (hold)

【答案】Holding the/ his keys in the/ his hand;With the keys held in the / this hand;The keys held in the / his hand

75. If (我没有喝)alcohol last night. I could have driven my car home. (drink)

【答案】I had not / hadn't drunk

76. ___________(令球迷欣喜的)was that the young player performed exteriorly well in the table tennis tournament. (delight)

【答案】What delighted the fans/ made the fans delighted

77. A number of paintings in this castle are believed ___________ (被毁掉)in a fire in 2009. (destroy)

【答案】to have been destroyed

78. ___________ (他突然想到) that he had an important conference to attend the next morning. (occur)

【答案】It (suddenly)occurred to him

79.Be careful! The machine starts ___________ (你一按)the button. (moment)

【答案】the moment you press

80. ___________ (比较这两把牙刷) and you'll find the purple one is softer. (compare)

【答案】Compare these / the two toothbrushes


71. With , some animals are facing the danger of dying out. (cut)


【答案】more and more forests/trees (being) cut down

72. Popularly American films ever made, The Godfather is a milestone of cinema. (regard)


【答案】regarded as one of the best

73. I don’t know in the novel that made him burst into tears. (what)


【答案】what it was

74. Little what she looks like; all she cares about is her job performance. (care)


【答案】does she care (about)

75. Had we not used an out-of-date train schedule, we the train. (miss)


【答案】would not have missed

76. However , I could not read his handwriting. (try)


【答案】hard/much I (had) tried

77. In response to the audience’s great demand, the play in the theatre twice a week. (put)


【答案】will/would be put on

78. The soldier was absent from his camp for three days without . (ask)


【答案】asking for leave (first)

79. Our understanding of education, work and society is of the earlier generation. (different)


【答案】different from/ than that

80. Things aren’t always . (appear)


【答案】what they appear (to be)


71. Knowing reduces the risks of failure and it works like an insurance policy for your own ability. (do)


【答案】what you are doing;the thing(s) which/ that you are doing

72. Not my parents, I failed to go to a drama school, where my interest lay. (persuade)


【答案】having persuaded

73. The chief engineer together with his colleagues new scientific methods of farming since five years ago. (look)


【答案】has been looking for has looked for

74. When I work on the farmland in the daytime, I always to a tree on the riverbank. (keep)


【答案】keep the/my sheep tied

75. As time is pressing, I think is the best way to get from here to the conference centre. (take)


【答案】taking a taxi to take a taxi

76. So fast that we can hardly imagine its speed. (travel)


【答案】does light travel

77. Through the course of my schooling, I met many teachers, two me greatly. (influence)


【答案】of whom influenced;of whom have influenced;of them having influenced

78. I don’t often lose things, so I was quite surprised my wallet and found it wasn’t there. (reach)


【答案】when I reached for;the moment I reached for;at the time when I reached for

79. It is reported in the newspaper that several new subway lines in Wuhan. (build)


【答案】are being built

80. Most believe he for England last week, but for a serious injury which put him out of football. (play)


【答案】would/ could have played



例:______ was that the young player performed extremely well in the table tennis tournament. (delight)


答案:What delighted the fans/made the fans delighted

71. The community college has to cut down on staff . (save)


【答案】(in order) to save money/ so as to save money

72. So far the well-known journalist more than 4,000 interviews with famous people. (accumulate)


【答案】has accumulated

73. Sometimes to use examples to explain abstract concepts. (helpful)


【答案】it might/may be helpful

74. The police will reward useful information to catch the robber. (provide)


【答案】whoever provides/ has provided

75. He’s the only student in the class to take part in the Model United Nations conference. (select)


【答案】that has been selected

76. No other technological development has had as the growth of electronics on so many aspects of social, economic, and cultural development. (impact)


【答案】such a great impact/ as great an impact

77. You the meeting to tell me that; you could have come to tell me afterwards. (interrupt)


【答案】shouldn’t have interrupted/ oughtn’t to have interrupted

78. This novel was once the book in high schools in the United States. (read)


【答案】most widely read

79. The Public Square is an eye-catching sight of the city. many stone sculptures of famous historical figures. (stand)

【答案】There stand


80. It was several minutes what he was saying. (take)


