
发布时间:2017-05-27 16:49



Which subject do you like the most?

I like Math.


学习数学很艰苦,但是很有回报Learning Math is an arduous process, but it is rewarding.

找到好工作It enables me to find a decent job.


理论联系实际This subject covers a lot of grounds and puts theory intopractice.

练习发散思维 It develop my lateral thinking.


老师很赞The teacher is my mentor and takes me under her wing.

Which subject do you like the least?

理由1:This subject relies on rote memorization. It is rather boring.

理由2:This subject is really difficult. There is a lot of cramming beforethe exam. I have to work very late into the night.

理由3:This subject contains a number of theories and is not practical atall.


Describe a job, career or profession whichyou wish to pursue.


享誉盛名earn a great reputation / prestigious


这是一个很有潜力的职业 It is a pretty promisingjob.

满足需求发挥潜能meet my needs and reach out my full potential

实现我梦想 / 工作前景 fulfill/realize my dream /career prospects


薪水不错 well-paid / the work offersme handsome salary

升职 get a promotion / climb thecorporate ladder


人才辈出The program is well-staffed.

老板会激励人The boss always inspires his followers.

环境很好It has an employee-friendly environment.


Describe a famous person you admire themost?

基本结构 who / why

1. Appearance

skinny slim petite / stocky chubby

He got a six pack. /He got a pot belly.

He is bald. / He got a beard and moustache.

2. Personality

ambitious / intelligent/talented /approachable/easy-going

diligent/hard-working /peaceful/optimistic/sense of responsibility / sense of humor

讲Michael Jackson的笔记:


Michael Jackson

1. general description

Reason 1: successful / iconic singer / dominantfigure / king of the pop

Influence POP and ROCK artists / e.g. Healthe world

2. his charity activities all around theworld


Describe a song that you like the most.

我的经典答案:“you and me”

Theme song for the Beijing Olympic Games

1. melody is soothing and stimulating

2. lyrics – enhance friendship / the worldis getting smaller and smaller



1. enrich my life

2. fill/infuse our lives with joy

3. When I listen to music, I will have avision of a better world.


Which city do you like the best?

1. It is an ancient city with a longhistory.

2. It is a tourist city with beautifulscenery.

3. People there are really kind and polite.

4. Food there is really mouth-watering.


I will like to describe Hangzhou. First ofall, Hangzhou is an ancient city with a long history. It was the capital ofChina in the Southern Song Dynasty. General Yuefei was the national hero ofthat dynasty. He fought many successful battles and he was never defeated. Butit was sad that he was killed by Qinhui, a traitor. Secondly, Hangzhou is atourist city with beautiful scenery. The West Lake is world-famous. It turnsgold in the sunlight and turns green in the moonlight. When I go boating on thelake, I will feast my eyes on the smoky mountains. Thirdly, Hangzhou people arereally kind and polite. When you are on the bus, you will see young peopleoffer their seats to the elderly. When you are at the crossroads, you will seepeople are patiently waiting for the green light to come. When you have achance to visit the homes of local people, you will see parents live happilywith their sons and daughters.

Traveling can …

1. eliminate preconceptions

2. make me more tolerant and open-minded

3. ease tension


What types of TV program do you likewatching?

Soap Opera / TV drama / Sit-Com (SituationComedy)

Horror/ Action/ Romance/Science Movie

1. It is amusing / entertaining / hilarious/ intriguing / appealing / thought-provoking / educational / exciting /cliff-hanging. (各类形容词概括)

2. This TV program pursues original themesthat are common to all cultures. (原创性强)

3. The actress is a glamorous celebrity. (演员有魅力)

4. I often go to the cinema to escapereality. (看电影能逃避现实)

5. This movie has been intensivelyadvertised and has dominated the headlines. The movie is a box office hit.(电影宣传)


Which sport do you like the best?

basketball  soccer  tennis  badminton table-tennis 

volleyball  American football swimming

horse-riding  golf Jogging hiking


I benefit from it all my life.

1. Sports can burn a lot of calories andhelp me to lose weight. It can keep me fit and healthy.

2. Doing exercises can offer a new outletfor our energy.

3. Doing sports can help children develop asense of good sportsmanship. It can facilitate my confidence and courage. Italso makes me understand the essence of teamwork.


Which food do you like the best?

Kung-pao Chicken


It tastes … (spicy / bland / salty / sweet/ sour / bitter)


This dish is made from a special recipe.

It is very tasty/delicious.

It is fried/prepared/steamed/grilled with avariety ingredients, like peppers, peanuts, ginger, vinegar, and wine.


The food at home is more hygienic and nutritious,so it is a wholesome diet.


Describe an interesting piece of clothingin your country.


1. It is a status symbol and nationaltreasure. It was originally worn by Manchurian women.

2. It looks unique because of the fabric,the silk and the embroidery, such as a flower.

3. The bell-like sleeves and slits on thesides make it quite different from regular dress.

4. It is tight-fitting so it is easy toslip on and comfortable to wear.

5. Women would like to wear it when takingphotos.


上等的服饰Classy clothing/garment/outfit

名牌服饰Name-brand clothes

潮流服饰Stylish/fashionable/trendy stuff

休闲运动 casual clothes/sportwear


Describe a special festival in China.

Lantern Festival

1. food / 2. lion parade / 3. lanternriddle

Dinner sweet dumpling

1. as the traditional food for the day

2. made with sticky rice flour

3. filled with sweet stuffing.

After dinner

1. go on streets with a variety of lanternsunder the full moon

2. watch a parade of lion dancing.

lantern riddle gathering is held. All kindsof lanterns have a riddle on each of them. People who guess them right can geta small gift.

The lantern festival will bring us peace,prosperity and good luck for the New Year.






