
发布时间:2017-04-07 02:42



适合表演的英语故事:Adventurer Disappears

Steve Magellan, world-famous adventurer, has been missing for two days. The man who soared around the world by himself in a balloon took off in a single-engine airplane from a private airport in Nevada. He left at noon for a three-hour flight. The weather was perfect. There were no storms in the area. He took no emergency provisions. Presumably, he considered his flight to be little different from a trip to the market for a quart of milk.

He didn’t file a flight plan, so exactly where he went is unknown. Searchers are combing a 200 by 200 mile area by air. The terrain is high desert, with lots of ravines. “It would be very easy for a small plane like that to remain undetected for months,” said an officer from the Civil Air Patrol. The plane, like most small planes, did not have a “black box,” which sends out radio signals in event of a crash. A friend of Magellan’s said that he usually wears a watch that can send radio signals. But no signals were coming from that watch, if he was in fact wearing it.

Magellan had a knack for walking away uninjured from accidents, so friends and relatives did not seem to be overly alarmed. His younger sister said that it wouldn’t surprise her if he came strolling out of the desert in a day or two. Magellan made his fortune in real estate when he was young, and has devoted the rest of his life to pursuing world records in ballooning, piloting airplanes, and driving fast cars. The purpose of his afternoon flight was to find a suitable area to try to set a new land speed record for automobiles.

适合表演的英语故事:I’m No Alcoholic

“Brigham, you really ought to think about stopping drinking,” Lionel said. “People are talking.” He brought up the subject as they were walking to lunch. Brigham always had a couple of beers for lunch, with a couple of bean burritos.

“Who cares?” Brigham asked. “It doesn’t interfere with my work. I’ve never killed anyone while driving. In fact, I haven’t even gotten a ticket for drunk driving. Not only that, but I’m a better driver with a buzz than most people are when they’re sober. Why should I quit? I enjoy my beer—it makes me feel good. It takes the edge off a tough day. I don’t do crazy things, and I don’t get mean and angry after I have a few. Most of the time, I drink at home, alone, watching TV. I’m not bothering or hurting anyone. What harm is there in that?”

“What harm? You told me that you stood up to get another beer last week and you crashed into your front door so hard that you got a lump on your forehead. I can still see the bruise. You were trying to walk into your kitchen, but instead you staggered into your front door! Your door is 15 feet away from the refrigerator.”

“I just stood up too fast. It wasn’t the beer. It’s called low blood pressure. And next time, I’ll just keep my mouth shut about what happens in my home.”

“Do you remember William Holden, the guy in the movie ‘Network’? He was on top of the world, but he died alone and drunk in his hotel room after he cracked his skull on the corner of a coffee table.”

“Yes, but I’m not William Holden, and my coffee table doesn’t have any corners—it’s oval.”

适合表演的英语故事:Tiger Kills Two Men

Only minutes later, another zoo visitor happened by. Spotting the two dead men, he called 911. By the time police arrived, zoo officials were already scouring the area with their dart guns. They had told the police not to shoot the animal unless it was a life or death situation. Not only did Winnie belong to an endangered species, but she was also pregnant. Unfortunately, a police officer panicked when he saw the tiger only ten yards from him, and fired. It was a perfect shot.

The father of the two brothers immediately hired a lawyer. The zoo would probably have to offer him at least a million dollars just to avoid a jury trial. The local humane association also promised to sue the zoo for not building a higher wall, which would have kept the animal in its pit and thus saved its life. Zoo officials said that lawsuits might result in closing the zoo permanently. City residents were divided in their opinions about the event. “They both deserved to die,” said one resident. “Boys shouldn’t lose their lives just for acting like boys,” said another.
