
发布时间:2017-05-15 12:31



There was once a very rich gentleman whose wife died, leaving him one beautiful daughter. He had loved his wife dearly, and so he was very unhappy. He resolved to marry again, for he hoped thus to find a mother for his little girl, and to be happy once more. But the second wife was proud and haughty, and she had two daughters by a former husband who were just like her. She hated her husband's child, because his daughter was so sweet and good that she made her own daughters seem very unpleasant and disagreeable.

So this wicked stepmother made the poor little girl live and work with the servants. She had to sleep in the garret , on a miserable straw bed, while her stepsisters had fine rooms, with handsome curtains at the windows, large comfortable beds, and long mirrors, in which to admire themselves. After her work was done, she sat in the kitchen among the cinders, and so she was called Cinderella.

It happened that the king's son gave a ball , and invited all persons of fashion in the country. He invited the two wicked sisters, but of course the king's son had never even heard of Cinderella. The sisters began at once to prepare for the ball and to plan their dresses. On the evening of the ball, Cinderella had to help them dress and arrange their hair. When they had departed in their carriage, Cinderella sat down in a corner, and began to cry.

Just then her godmother , who was a fairy, appeared. "What is the matter, Cinderella?" she asked.

"I wish-I wish," sobbed poor Cinderella, and could not say another word. "You wish to go to the ball, don't you?" said the godmother. "Well, be a good girl, and you shall go. " She then ordered Cinderella to bring a pumpkin from the garden. Her godmother took out all the insides of the pumpkin, and left only the rind. Then she touched it with her wand , and the pumpkin instantly became a fine, gilded coach. She then looked into the mousetrap, and saw six lively mice in it. She told Cinderella to lift the door of the trap very gently, and as each mouse came out, she touched it with her wand. Instantly they became six handsome gray horses. Then Cinderella ran to the rat trap, and found three large rats. The godmother changed the largest of these into a position to ride on one of the horses.

Next, the fairy sent Cinderella into the garden to find six lizard . A touch of the magic wand turned them all into finely dressed footmen. Everything was ready, then, except Cinderella's dress. The poor child looked down at godmother a thousand times, and begged to go again to the ball the next night. As she talked, her sisters returned, and told her of the wonderful princess whose name nobody knew. The next day, the two sisters appeared again at the ball, and so did Cinderella. But she enjoyed herself so much that she forgot her godmother's warning. She was frightened when she counted twelve strokes of the clock, and she ran out of the room as fast as she could. The king's son tried to overtake her, and could not. But in her haste, Cinderella dropped one of the glass slippers. The king's son carefully picked it up.

Of course she had to run home in her rags. All that was left of her elegance was one glass slipper. Meantime, the prince tried in every way to find out the princess's name, and which way she went. But all in vain, for the guards at the gate had only seen a ragged girl run away. The king's son sat and looked at the slipper while the ball lasted, for he had fallen deeply in love with the unknown and beautiful princess.

A few days afterwards, people heard messengers proclaiming, "The king's son will marry the lady whose foot exactly fits the glass slipper. " First the messengers went to all the princesses, then to the lesser ladies of the court, but without success. When they came to the home of Cinderella, the two sisters tried to squeeze their feet into the slipper. Some say that one sister cut off her big toe, and that the other sister cut off her heel, so eager were they to wear the slipper, but it was all in vain.

Cinderella could not help smiling. Finally she said, "Please let me try on the slipper. "

The sisters said, "That is foolish," but the messenger knelt down before her with the slipper. Everybody saw at once that it fitted her exactly. The two sisters were amazed, but their amazement was still greater when Cinderella drew the other slipper from her pocket, and put it on, too. Just at this moment, the fairy godmother arrived, touched Cinderella's clothes with her wand, and there she stood, more magnificently dressed than ever.

Then the sisters, of course, recognized her, and they threw themselves at her feet, and begged forgiveness for all their unkindness. Cinderella helped them to rise, kissed them, and forgave them. The messengers then led Cinderella to the prince, who found her more beautiful and desirable than ever. The wedding took place in a few days, and Cinderella afterwards gave her sisters rooms in the palace, and helped them in every way.


Walt Disney is credited for creating such wonderful things as Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse. However, he cannot take the credit for creating other well-loved characters, such as Cinderella and Snow White. They are almost automatically associated with Disney because Disney turned old fables (寓言) into cartoon movies.

The original Cinderella varies very much from the Disney version we know today. It started off with the girl mourning her mother’s death and going to her tomb three times a day. In addition, there were only birds that helped Cinderella; there was no such thing as a fairy godmother or helpful mice, nor was there mention of a horse and carriage.

The stepsisters were cruel: they always threw Cinderella’s food into the ashes of the fire, and made her sleep on the ashes on the floor, hence(因此)her name.

In the original story, the king’s ball actually lasted for three days. With the help of the birds, the girl, beautifully dressed, danced with the prince on all three nights and the prince fell in love with her. However, she broke away from him to rush back home each night. On the last night, the prince placed soothing sticky on the stairs; as Cinderella made her escape, a shoe got stuck on it.

Here now is where the story becomes unpleasant: when the prince went to the house looking for the girl whose foot fit the shoe, the wicked (邪恶的) stepmother told one of her two daughters to cut off her big toe to fit into the shoe. The daughter did as told. So the prince took her away to be his bride. But when they passed the tomb of Cinderella’s mother, the birds called out to the prince,

“Turn and peep, there’s blood within the shoe; The shoe is too small, the true bride waits for you.”

Realizing he had been tricked, the prince returned the daughter to her mother; the other then had to cut off part of her heel in order to fit into the shoe, with the same result. Only Cinderella’s foot fit perfectly and so the prince chose to marry her. The story ends with the wedding day: as Cinderella’s two stepsisters followed her, pretending to be devoted to her so that they could enjoy the king’s riches, two birds flew by and plucked (啄) out their eyes. Because of their wickedness and falsehood, they had to spend the rest of their days blind.

The original Cinderella is so different from the Disney version. Thank goodness Disney made such changes; it indeed was a wise move.
