
发布时间:2017-03-15 01:29


中文: 木耳

木耳的英语释义: agaric



Does black agaric have the effect that studies cancer?


Does urine road calculus eat black fungus correctly?




The production technology of the auricularia auricula and jujube ice cream were studied by means of orthogonal experiment design.


Different technologies for extraction of auricularia polysaccharide were studied in this paper.


Study on Ribosome Inactivating Protein of Auricuralia auricular Mycelia


Study on the Auxotroph of Wood Ear Fungi-Auricularia


Study on Processing Compound Jam of Black Edible Fungus and Green Pepper


Native products have black fungus, white melon seeds, such as bracken.


Study on the Cultivation of Auricularia auricula with Leucaena leucocephala Leaf

1. He disrelishs agaric poach little, want agaric to host again. 他嫌木耳偷得少, 又向主人要木耳.

2. Ambientwas conducted to bioindicate air pollution around Lanzhou city withNostoc commune. 以地木耳为材料,现场监测兰州市大气污染.

3. Osmunda, aquilinum, fungus, tea, incense and more strains of high quality. 薇菜 、 蕨菜 、 木耳 、 茶叶 、 香菌量多质高.

4. Is agaric to rise blood pressure to still fall blood pressure? 木耳是升血压还是降血压?

5. Results: The content of agaric polysaccharide in agaric mycelium was 5. 结果: 黑木耳菌丝体中木耳多糖平均含量5.

6. Cash crops have fungus, chestnut, raw lacquer, honey, walnut and so on. 经济作物有木耳 、 板栗 、 生漆 、 蜂蜜 、 核桃等.

7. We also have 1.3 square kilometers tea - garden which is without pollution. 以及蜂蜜制品和香菇,木耳.

8. Cause: The pig - ear plus loin, and other fried meat, fried together. 成因: 用猪里脊肉片加木耳等炸 、 炒而成.

9. Under insects, eggs, papaya, dried fungus, such as processing and salesbranches. 下有昆虫, 鸟蛋, 木瓜, 干木耳等加工销售分公司.

10. Soak the black fungus and shred thinly. 木耳用清水泡好后切成丝.

11. Add in black fungus, bell pepper and carrots. 随放木耳, 青椒丝和胡萝卜丝大火翻炒.

12. Please keep dried mushroom and edible fungus in a dry and ventilatedplace. 香菇、木耳,请贮于通风、干燥处.

13. Heat two tablespoons oil. Add seasoning and all ingredients. Bring to boiland pour the sauce. 下油二汤匙, 加调味及粉丝、冬菇、笋、木耳、银耳、面筋煮滚,埋芡即可.

14. Fungus is a rare edible fungus products, which form a wonderful flavor inparticular, many aliases. 木耳是一种珍贵的特产食用菌, 因其形态奇妙,风味特别, 别名很多.

15. Want to eat black foods, such as black sesame, rice, seaweed, fungus andso on. 要多吃黑色食物, 如黑芝麻 、 黑米 、 紫菜 、 木耳等.

16. Looking back on men over 20 days, the dinner table every day, a fungusscrambled eggs. 男人回想这二十多天来, 每天饭桌上都有一盘木耳炒蛋.

17. Objective To study the determination of agaric polysaccharide in Maikangmixture by visible spectrophotography. 目的研究脉康合剂中木耳多糖的含量测定方法.

18. Soak the black fungus and shred thinly. Finely chop ginger, onion andpickled chilli. 木耳用清水泡好后切成丝. 姜蒜和泡辣椒剁成末.

19. Fungus, mushrooms , white fungus , Hericium erinaceus , who is also a richYangba industry. 木耳 、 香菇 、 银耳、猴头菌, 也是阳坝人致富的产业.

20. Fungus was identified as China's textile workers, above the defense fightersand health products. 木耳曾被确定为我国纺织工人 、 高空作业人员和海防战士的保健食品.
