
发布时间:2017-03-22 12:47



1.be able to do能够做

Afterpaying great efforts, he is able to speak English fluently.

2.be about to do正要做

AsI was about to say, you interrupted me.

3.add… to…把……加……

Ifyou add 5 to 5, you get ten.

Ifthe tea is too strong, add some hot water.

Thisadds to our difficulties.

4.be afraid of 害怕

Iwas afraid of hurting her feelings.

5.go against反对

Wedon't agree with the proposal, because it goes against the law.

6.agree on达成一致

Weagreed on an early start/making a early start.

Weall agree on the terms.

7.agreeto do同意做

Myfather has agreed to buy me a new computer.

8.agree with同意某人(或其想法、观点、认识等);与……相符

Idon't agree with you on this point.

Yourstory agrees with what I had already heard.

Theclimate doesn't agree with me.

Themussels I had for lunch haven't agreed with me.

Theverb agrees its subject in number and person.

9.be angry with对……生气

Hewas angry with himself for having made such a foolish mistake.

Hewas angry at being kept waiting.

10.be anxious about对……担心

Iwas anxious about my son's health.

11.apply for申请

Ihave applied to the Consul for the visa.

12.take sth. in one's arms把……抱在怀里

Shetook a bunch of roses in her arms.

13.take up arms拿起武器

Weshould take up our arms to defend our motherland.

14.arrive in/at a place达到某地

Mybrother will arrive in Beijing next Monday.

Iarrive at the school every morning at a regular time.

15.ask (sb.) for sth.向(某人)要某物

Youshouldn't ask your parents for money any more.

16.pay attention to对……注意

Whenyou write an essay, you have several things to pay attention to.

17.be away from远离……

Whenyou friend is in trouble, don't be away from him/her; instead, you should tryyour best to help.

18.go/run away逃跑

It'sdangerous! Go/run away immediately.

19.beat… to death将……打死

Hewas nearly beat to death once after he was caught stealing.

20.go to bed上床休息

Iwas so tired that I went to bed earlier than before.

21.make the bed铺床

Youare old enough to make the beds by yourself.

22.beg one's pardon请某人再说一遍

SorryI didn't catch it. I beg your pardon.

23.begin… with以……开始

Theparty began with a cheerful song.


24.believe in信仰

Inwestern countries, many people believe in God.

25.belong to属于

ThatTaiwan belongs to China should be unquestionable.

26.do one's best尽最大的努力

Ifyou have done your best, then there's nothing to regret.

27.had better最好

Youhad better stop smoking.

28.blow away吹走

Thewind blew the heat away.

29.take a boat乘船

Itook a boat to go to the island in the center of the lake.

30.be born出生

Hewas born in a wealthy family.

31.break away from从……脱离,断绝关系

Wewon't say "Yes" to anyone's breaking away from our country.

Can'tyou break away from old habits?

32.break down(指计划、打算)破灭;(机器)坏了;(身体状况)变差

Ourplans have broken down.

Negotiationsbetween the two countries have broken down.

Theengine broke down.

Hishealth broke down after the death of his wife.

Sugarand starch are broken down in the stomach.

33.break into破门而入

Hishouse was broken into last week.

34.break off 从中间打断

Hebroke off in the middle of a sentence.

Let'sbreak off for an hour and have some tea.

Themast broke off.

35.break out(指战争、灾难、争吵等)突然爆发

Afire broke out during the night.

Thequarrel broke out afresh.

36.break the rules违反规则

Everyonein the group mustn't break the rules.

37.break up击碎、驱散 终止 结束 分裂 分开 分手放学

Theship was breaking up on the rocks.

Thegathering broke up in disorder.

Thepolice broke up the crowd.

38.hold one's breath屏住呼吸

Heheld his breath and sneaked into his room.

39.bring down击落、打倒

Amoment ago, we brought down a hostile aircraft.

Weshould bring down the tyrant.

40.bring in赚得、赢得(利润)

Hisfarms bring (him) in $20000 a year.

Theprogram brings in a new fashion.

41.bring on导致……结果

Hewas out all day in the rain and this brought on a bad cold.

Thefine weather is bringing the crops on nicely.

Thecoach is bringing on some youngsters in the reserve team.

42.bring up抚养

Shehas brought up five children.

Ifchildren are badly brought up they behave badly.

43.build up建立;恢复(身体状况等)

Hehas built up a good business.

Hewent on holiday and soon built up his health.

44.burn…to the ground把……夷为平地

TheJapanese invaders burnt the houses to the ground.

45.burn down烧光

Thehouse was burnt down.

46.burst into laughter.突然爆发大笑

Onseeing the amusing scene, she burst into laughter.

47.burst into tears突然大哭

Shesuddenly burst into tears.

48.be busy doing/with sth.忙于做某事

Weare busy preparing for/with the exam.

49.call at (a place)拜访某地

Icalled at the tailor's a couple of days ago.

50.call back回电话

Iwill call back later.

51.call for到某地取东西;接人;要求;呼吁

Aman calls every Monday for old newspapers.

I'llcall for you at 6 o'clock.

Theoccasion calls for prompt action.

Peopleall over the world call for peace.

52.call in请(医生)

Pleasecall in a doctor at once.

53.call on拜访某人

Myuncle called on me yesterday on his way home.

54.take care of照顾;负责

Thenurse took good care of the patients.

Here,let me take care of the cleaning.

Theseare the devices that take care of the waste from the factory.

55.care for 担心、关心、想

Myparents care for my safety when I travel by myself.

Theelders should care for the younger generation.

Wouldyou care for a game of table tennis?

56.carry off夺走(生命);取得(奖励等)

Theterrible war carried off her father's life.

Tomcarried off all the school prizes.

57.carry on进行

Thediscussion carried on after a short break.

58.carry out实施

Theplan has to be carried out as soon as possible.

59.catch fire起火

Thismaterial is easy to catch fire. Be careful.

60.catch up with赶上

Ihave to study even harder than before in order to catch up with my peers.


Theshirt is too big. Can I change for another one.


Hechanged into his working clothes when he began to work.

63.change one's mind改变主意

Ipersuaded him to change his mind.

64.check out核对,检查

Wouldyou help me to check out the names and numbers.

Hechecked out and left the hotel.

65.clear away收拾,整理

Pleasehelp me to clear away the tea things.

66.clear up(指天)晴朗;清理

Theweather/sky is clearing up.

Clearup the desk before you leave the office.

67.catch/take cold; have a cold感冒

Hewas absent because he caught cold last night.

68.come about产生……结果

Howdoes it come about half of the class are absent?

69.come across碰巧遇到;突然想起

Icame across this old brooch in a curio shop.

Thethought came across my mind that we …

70.come back回想起来

Theirnames are all coming back to me now.

71.come down(指雨)下得很大;(指气温)下降

Therain came down in bucketfuls.

Thetemperature came down suddenly.

72.come from来自

Muchof the butter in England comes from New Zealand.

73.come off脱落

Thebutton has come off my coat.

74.come on加油

Comeon! Let's race to the bottom of the hill.

75.come out出现;(指花)开放;

Thestars come out.

Theflowers are coming out.

Whenwill his new book come out?

76.come to(指数字)达到

Thetotal number of people who attended the conference came to 1000.

77.come true(指梦想)实现

Ihope that my dream will come true one day in the future.

78.come up

Hecame up the hard way.

Thequestion hasn't come up yet.

79.compare with与……比较

Comparedwith education in western countries, China has her own special features.

80.compare to把……比作

Teachersare sometimes compared to candles.

81.connect to 与……联系

It'sa railway that connects Beijing to Shenzhen.

82.connect with与……联接

Wheredoes cooker connect with the gas-pipe?

83.be considered as被认为是

Sheis considered as the best teacher in our school.

84.consider doing sth.考虑做……

I'mconsidering moving abroad.

85.be covered with被……覆盖

Theground was covered with heavy snow.

86.cut down砍倒

Don'tcut down the young trees.

87.cut off砍掉;截断

Don'tcut your fingers off!

Theenemy had cut off our food supply.

89.cut up切碎

I'llcut up the meat.

90.date from起始于

Thetemple dates from over a thousand years ago.

91.deal with处理;对付;相处;涉及

Howdo you deal with the difficulties?

Theman is hard to deal with.

Thebook deals with health problems.

92.do a good deed做好事

Duringhis lifetime, Lei Feng had done many good deeds.

93.depend on取决于;信任

Whetherwe go to park this weekend depends on the weather.

Youcan always depend on Jim, for he is an honest man.

Itdepends on you. Any time is all right for me.

94.devote to把(时间、精力等)专注于……

MaryCurio devoted all her life to the research of radiation matters,

95.die of死于

Hedies of a disease.

96.die out绝种

Manyold customs are gradually dying out.

97.be different from与……不同

Thepicture on the right is different from the one on the left.

98.divide up把……分开

Wedivided the money up equally.

Howshall we divide the work up?

99.divide into把……分成(几部分)

Thehouse was divided into two parts.

100.do sb. a favor给某人帮忙

Wouldyou do me a favor?








