
发布时间:2016-12-02 17:16



1.She`s at the supermarket.她在超市。

【at the supermarket在超市。Supermarket是有super(超级的)和market(市场)两个单词组成的复合词,本课类似的还有everything(由every“每一的”和thing“事情,东西”组成);birthday(由birth“出生”和day“日子”组成)。】

2.Am I going to have a birthday party?我是不是要开一个生日聚会啊?

【这是以be开头的一般疑问句,是自己问自己。这种句子很少见,其回答是:肯定:Yes,you are.否定:No,you aren`t.从其回答可以发现一个规律:一般来说,问句中提到“我”的,答句就用“你”来回答;问句中提到“你”的,答句就用“我”来回答。】

再如:Are you making a card?Yes,I am./No,I`m not.你是不是正在做一个卡片啊?是的,我是。/不,我不是。

3.Who can help me?谁可以帮帮我?

【这是用来寻求帮助的句子,英语中寻求帮助的句子很多:例如:A:May I.......?我可以...吗?B:Can/Could I....?我能...吗?C.Could you please....?你能....吗?D.Can you do me a favor?你能帮我个忙吗?回答这些句子常用下面的句子:A.Yes./Certainly.是的。当然可以。B.Yes,do please.请吧。C.Of course.(you may)当然(你可以)。D.I`m sorry,but....抱歉,但...... E.You`d better not.你最好不要这样。/你不该。】


4.Oh,dear!I can`t carry them all.哦,天哪!我提不动他们。


5.What a mess!真乱!

【what是一个疑问词,但在这里它引导一个感叹句,除了what,还有how,也可引导感叹句。感叹句的构成为:What +a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!或What+形容词+名词复数/不可数名词+主语+谓语!如:What a nice girl she is!她是多好的一个女孩啊!以How开头的感叹句,其构成为:How+形容词(副词)+主语+谓语!How+主语+谓语(这时how直接修饰谓语动词),如:How interesting the book is!这本书多么有趣啊!】








Bait of interest, but also beware of flattery hat.

Fishing hook sinister out over the water, a carp saw through the hook trick. It snapped:

"You bad guy, you think people don't know what you're up to? Are you trying to lure us to the bait with that good? Don't get here in vain! No one on your when!"

Fishing Jun crafty smile said: "you are not fooled, does not be other fish ah. Wait, according to experience, no bait Baixia, I will soon have the harvest."

In the near future, to a passing fish, it saw bait is greedily around the fishing hook turn round, big mouth, jump to "swallow".

Carp worried, immediately remind the passing fish: "dude, you can do not be fooled, this is a hook, a food will is hooked!"

"Shut up, don't hypocritically to install a good man, I will listen to you, is really fooled! I don't know your tricks, just want to put my own cheated, eat alone?" Passing fish said, quickly toward the hook, a swallow "delicacy", quietly made the first captive fish hook.

The hook and throw down, angrily: "get, carp hook harmful things!"

Hook Xipixiaolian said: "how can you blame me, is it not your responsibility? Don't bother me. I'm going to work."

For a moment, there was a large group of fish. To avoid the tragedy happening again, crucian carp simply their own body blocking the a-fishing, can still be found a sharp eyed fish, it quickly swam, other fish also come in swarms. Carp to persuade:

"Everybody, this is a hook, specifically the Jun deceive us......"

"What are you? go away! Be careful to tear you to pieces!" A leadership style "fish" to carp. Immediately, there are countless fish crucian carp rushed to the side, they are surrounded by a wall to protect "bullhead" to monopolize "food".

Fish is very proud of, a swallow "delicacy" results, as Jun captive fish.

After there is fish swim to, crucian carp is also patiently and earnestly to persuade, but regret is no listen to a fish into its advice, it can only helplessly looking at own similar strips to be hook up.

Carp is think impassability, bait obviously with a hook, hook above is clearly silk, silk above is obviously a fishing rod, how they all turn a blind eye to it? And their attempt to persuade them, Renqi scolded, but thankless, Suanla, no matter so much the nosy, who is willing to bite who. Thought of here, crucian carp was sad and injustice, it dudunangnang to prepare to leave this place. Suddenly, he heard again the fish Jun's voice:

"After so much time, I think you're the best fish. You have tried, do not blame yourself, mainly to blame their own ah. You don't blame me, you should know that I am just a small hook, involuntarily! You see me on the above fishing wire, fishing rod, fishing people, they can control me, who can control me. I never thought this was driven by playing with and without the slightest bit of free and slave days, crucian carp, you take me away, I am willing to follow you to the ends of the earth. "

Crucian carp to a-fishing complained that fish Jun also very poor, to a-fishing sympathy up, then said: "OK, I will take you, but you have to be."

A carp finish, bite the hook......

