Student A: When do people talk least?
学生甲: 人们在什么时候说话最少?
Student B: In February.
学生乙: 在二月。
Student A: Why?
学生甲: 为什么呢?
Student B: Because February is the shortest month of a year.
学生乙: 因为二月是一年中最短的一个月。
A young man came home from work and found his bride upset. "I feel terrible,” she said. "I was pressing your suit and I burned a big hole in the seat of your trousers.”
“Forget it ,” consoled her husband. “Remember that I’ve got an extra pair of pants for that suit.”
“Yes,” said the woman, cheering up. "And it’s lucky you have. I used them to patch the hole.”
Carlson was charged with stealing a Mercedes Benz, and after a long trial, the jury acquitted him. Later that day Carlson came back to the judge who had presided at the hearing.
“Your honor,” he said, “I want to get out a warrant for that dirty lawyer of mine.”
“Why?” asked the judge, “He won your acquittal. What do you want to have him arrested for?”
“Well,your honor,”replied Carlson, “I didn't have the money to pay his fee, so he went and took the car I stole.”