
发布时间:2016-11-12 06:09


小学英语一年级下册(牛津):Unit1 New Year课文

Unit 1

New Year

Students' Book Page 2

Let's act

Show me your present.Try your new shoes.

Students' Book Page 3

Let's talk

How are you?I am fine,thank you.Very well,and you?

Happy New Year!Happy New Year!

Students' Book Page 4

Let's learn


uncle aunt grandmother grandfather


uncle aunt grandmother grandfather

Students' Book Page 5

Let's play

Make a New Year Card

Draw.Write.Fold.Happy New Year,Miss Li!

Students' Book Page 6

Let's enjoyStory

1.I like the sweets.

2.I like the new dress.

3.I like the new shoes.

4.Happy New Year!

1.I like the sweets.

2.I like the new dress.

3.I like the new shoes.

4.Happy New Year!

Work Book Page 2

Look,listen and respond.

Work Book Page 3

Listen and tick √ the correct picture.

