
发布时间:2017-03-16 15:55

以下是小编整理的情感类英语美文欣赏: 背包女人,希望对你有所感触。

She used to sleep in the Fifth Post Office. I couldsmell her before I rounded the entrance to where sheslept, standing up, by the public phones. I smelledthe urine that seeped through the layers of her dirtyclothing and the decay from her nearly toothlessmouth. If she was not asleep, she mumbledincoherently.

Now they close the post office at six to keep thehomeless out, so she curls up on the sidewalk,talking to herself, her mouth flapping open asthough unhinged, her smells diminished by the soft breeze.

One Thanksgiving we had so much food left over, I packed it up, excused myself from theothers and drove to Fifth Street.

It was a frigid night. Leaves were swirling around the streets and hardly anyone was out, allbut a few of the luckless in some warm home or shelter. But I knew I would find her.

Noteused to:(过去)常常 urine:尿 decay:腐烂 incoherently:无条理地

curl up:蜷曲(身体) unhinged:精神错乱的 frigid:寒冷的

She was dressed as she always was, even in summer: The warm woolly layers concealing herold, bent body. Her bony hands clutched the precious shopping cart. She was squattingagainst a wire fence in front of the playground next to the post office. "Why didn't she choosesome place more protected from the wind?" I thought, and assumed she was so crazy she didnot have the sense to huddle in a doorway.

I pulled my shiny car to the curb, rolled down the window and said, "Mother … would you …"and was shocked at the word "Mother". But she was … is … in some way I cannot grasp.

I said, again, "Mother, l've brought you some food. Would you like some turkey and stuffingand apple pie?"

At this the old woman looked at me and said quite clearly and distinctly, her two loose lowerteeth wobbling as she spoke, "Oh, thank you very much, but I'm quite full now. why don't youtake it to someone who really needs it ?" her words were clear, her manners gracious. Then Iwas dismissed: Her head sank into her rags again.

Notesquat:蹲坐,蹲伏 wobbling:颤动

Bobbie Probstein


1.What kind of person is the woman?

2.What do you think about the bag lady refused the food?
