
发布时间:2017-03-16 15:45

以下是小编整理的英语文章, 希望能对大家的英语学习有帮助。

Tech fans the world over are poised for the big reveal of the new iPhone 6 on September 9.

全世界的技术控们都翘首期待着9月9日iPhone 6的闪亮登场。

But some people are turning the event into a business opportunity - by being paid to wait in line outside New York's flagship Apple Store weeks ahead of the launch.


Jason and Moon Ray, a married couple from Austin, Texas arrived in New York to stand in front of Apple’s store and are being sponsored by a new app company called Video Medicine.

发掘这一商机的是一对来自德克萨斯州奥斯丁的夫妇:詹森·雷和穆恩·雷。他们得到了一家新的app开发公司Video Medicine的赞助来到纽约苹果店前招揽生意。

Wearing sponsored T-shirts, these professional queuers have waited for as long as three weeks to get their hands on Apple's newest phone - which won't actually be released to the public until September 9.


Working with companies for sponsorship, the Apple fans can have their iPhones paid for as long as they agree to wear the branding of the company they are dealing with.



The Rays have come prepared, travelling with a tent, solar panel to charge their phones and sleeping bags


They are also making use of the local YMCA to shower and use the bathroom.

他们还在当地基督教青年汇(Young Men's Christian Association)洗澡、如厕。

Cruz says: 'I'm a veteran at this. I have done this every year for the past five years now. The first time I did it for two weeks was last year.'


He adds: 'Me and my cousin do it for the experience and we know that we'll get sponsored by companies.


'They're basically buying us the new iPhone, paying for our food and we're advertising their company.'


Grinning, he tells the camera: 'Now I got $1,250 in my pocket, free iPhone and free food. What more could you ask for?'



As the date of the big reveal edges closer, rumours are swirling about just what the iPhone 6 will include.


A frenzy has been created by leaked photos and specifications that appear to show different things.


Some believe larger screens will be a feature of the new phone, while others are on tenterhooks about iWatch wearable devices.


Battery life is also expected to be much better, while a new super-fast WiFi chip, improving internet speeds dramatically.

